Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's Guide

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Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's Guide

First, what is a foreign advertising alliance?

Into a project, the first to understand the logic of the program's operation, only know the flow of the American knife into your pocket, in order to find the direction of your shovel to pan for gold and the force of the road.

1. The concept of affiliate marketing

Foreign advertising affiliates, also calledForeign CPS/CPL/CPA Programsas well asForeign Lead ProgramThe

And foreign ad affiliates, the industry term is:Affiliate MarketingThe term "affiliate marketing" translates into Chinese.

Marketing, is buying and selling, affiliate marketing is actually a cooperation between the merchants who put advertisements, and the promoters who can convert the products of the merchants. Affiliate marketing is a mainstream marketing method in foreign countries, according to a survey conducted by the American Marketing Association in 2023, 81% U.S. marketers use affiliate marketing, with a market size of $82.5 billion.

Affiliate marketing data from various developed countries can be accessed on their own, and the conclusion is that affiliate marketing generates about 151 TP3T in digital marketing channels, surpassing email marketing, paid search and social media marketing, which are widely used marketing techniques, and is one of the most effective digital advertising techniques in foreign markets.

So, it's a place where there are American dollars on the move, and in the capital markets, where movement means profitability, we just need to take a scoop of the dollars on the move, and that's enough.

2、The 3 roles of affiliate marketing

That is, the three roles involved in advertising affiliate marketing are:

advertisers(ADVERTISERS): Some affiliates are also called agents, i.e., merchants with promotional needs. The Offer, mentioned later, is a promotional task issued by an advertiser.

webmaster(PUBLISHERS): Translates to "publishers", i.e., people who have traffic on hand or who can do promotion.

Affiliate Platform(Platform): can be understood as an intermediary platform, merchants in the above advertisement task, traffic matching or can do the promotion of the traffic master to apply for the advertiser's task to do the promotion, earn commission.

Our role in doing the affiliate program is:Traffic owners/publishers(Some leagues are also called Affiliates, such as theSAS Alliance), so don't get your identity wrong when you sign up for an affiliate account.

3. Differences between advertising alliances

Whether it's an advertiser or a traffic owner, choosing to join one of the n affiliates from among them is surely because that affiliate is more favorable to him.

1. Bigger affiliates, advertisers (ADVERTISERS) and promoters (PUBLISHERS) are very strong, that is to say, advertisers have money and promoters have high commissions.

Then, the amount we can manipulate can be higher, because in the big leagues, such amounts are normal and not easily noticed.

2. Affiliate promoter account registration approval application issues

Commonly known as "under the number", some alliances registered seconds approved, some alliances registered applications, a few days after the audit, some alliances are very strict audit, under the number of low rate, some alliances do not even approve the account.

Whether or not the alliance is good for placing numbers is also key for us to consider whether or not to choose this alliance(There are also special cases, which are added below)The

3. Review of promoter's promotional data and promotional behavior

That is, anti-cheating, generally by checking your traffic source and promotion conversion rate data is abnormal, so as to determine whether you are cheating.

This is the basic anti-cheat, some of the more stringent alliance, network environment abnormalities will also trigger anti-cheat mechanism, such as the IMP Alliance, the registered account with the IP and login is not the same, this login and the last login is not the same, you may be blocked (commonly known as the K number) was K number.

4. Commission payment and collection

If you can't collect money, it's useless to do a good job in front of you. So the operation out of the commission can be normally issued to your pocket, is to determine whether an alliance can operate the fundamental factors.

routineAffiliate origination process::

Commission for operations ➔ Advertiser confirms performance ➔ Payment to affiliate ➔ Affiliate sends payment to you

These are the main determinants of how to choose an ad affiliate platform, with some special cases added here:

  • The same is a big alliance, the positioning of the merchants inside the alliance is not the same, for example, sas positioning is a small and medium-sized sellers, and theFlexOffersThere are a lot of world-class brands promoted on it, corresponding to the more professional the higher the threshold, the newbie is still recommended to operate like sas such a good batch number (also good to buy), send money fast, check the loose alliance.
  • Affiliate account registration problems, such as sas for a period of time is not good under the number, then you can not say that this alliance can not be done, because he checked the loose, send money to the stability of the number of problems is not a big problem, it is only a decline in the rate of registration or to invest in the cost of buying a number of problems.

4、Foreign advertising alliance and domestic alliance comparison

I first learned about the ad affiliate program from my current master, and when he talked about ad affiliates he said that he had been doing it for a while in 10 years, and that his master, who taught him how to do it, would only be earlier.

My first thought at the time was, this is an old program? Can I still do it? On second thought, other people have been doing it for twenty years, and they can still do it now! This is an ultra-long-term project, can be said to confirm what I said at the beginning, where there is money flowing, it is profitable, has been flowing, has been figure!

At that time, there was still a question, cheating to earn commissions, why the platform does not crack down? It's been more than two decades and can't be solved?

Here's a brief explanationPrinciple of making money from foreign advertisement alliance::

In the opening post I described affiliate marketing's share of the overseas digital marketing market, which means that all three players in affiliate marketing have dollars to earn. So based on the premise that there are all dollars to be made, affiliate marketing as a model is here to stay.

This same premise makes anti-cheating nearly insurmountable, as neither the merchant nor the affiliate knows whether the order transaction was placed by the user or by Old Six, and can only be noticed if the order has problems with delivery (refunds and the like).

But isn't a refund normal? The same as your Taobao purchase refund, normal operation only, so merchants have to go further to line up, in order to determine whether you are the old six.

Speaking of which, you may have caught the point inside, for merchants, every further is a cost, so many merchants, especially its own orders more big merchants, through this channel presses the plug can not, anyway, the profit is big enough, by the old six cradled on the cradle, is such a principle.

Back to the difference between foreign advertising alliances and domestic, in my opinion, idle domestic no alliance, the earlier years of Baidu Alliance, Ali Mom Alliance Taobao, now have sunset, Baidu Alliance, 360 Alliance, these are not open to small webmasters, the commission is also low. The main reason is that there is a big difference between the domestic and foreign shopping environment.

Domestic Shopping: Basically, there are no more choices when it comes to jitterbug live banding, Taobao Jingdong Pinduoduo, and a number of other smaller e-commerce platforms.

Shopping Abroad: Half inAmazonianHalf in the official website of the enterprise (commonly known as "independent station"), and affiliate marketing to promote these independent station, so that users go to the official website of these merchants to consume, we can receive the corresponding commission.

This is why the model of affiliate marketing is fading into obscurity in the country, so I think you have the answer to the question about what affiliates are available in the country. But there are still a lot of domestic merchants can be promoted, just need you to go and advertisers individually.

Second, the advertising alliance profit model

1. CPA

Full name: Cost Per Action, meaning pay per user action.

An action is an action, usually the act of registering an account and verifying an email address.

The general process of adding money: some of the requirements of the registration of the new task is CPA Offer, will be required to register an account (SOI), may also need to verify the mailbox (DOI), the operation of these actions is completed that a CPA task is completed, you will be able to obtain the appropriate promotional commissions.

Because CPA doesn't require a lot of action on the part of the user, commissions are usually a few dollars on the low side. Top Affiliates basically don't have CPA type Offers anymore.

2. CPL

Full name: Cost Per Lead, meaning pay per lead.

Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's Guide

CJ Alliance Data Presentation

Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's Guide

ShareAsale Affiliate Data Showcase

CPL can be understood as an advancement of CPA, which requires users to fill in more information, such as user profile, form questionnaire, and different types of Offers, which require users to fill in different information. For example, fitness Offer, you need to fill in the height, weight, age and other information.

3. CPS

Full name: Cost Per Sale, meaning commission per sale.

There are two ways of calculating commissions:

One type of commission is the fixed commission, which is fixed to be given after the user closes the deal, regardless of the amount of this order.

Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's GuideOne is to calculate the commission in proportion to the amount of the order, this is more, to put it bluntly, the merchant to give you a share of the profit, the larger the amount of your order, the more you will give you a share.

Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's Guide

This is the advertiser's favorite way to promote, because CPS is that you help merchants sell goods, merchants come to give you a commission, before that, he does not have any cost, just take the profit earned, to share out a little.

Over 90% of the top leagues are now CPS type Offers.

There are also some promotional models, a simple understanding can be. Such as: CPD/CPI/CPM/CPC mode, in addition to Google Adsense (commonly known as Google Alliance) in the CPM (billed by thousands of displays) and CPC (billed by clicks) this kind of webmasters sell traffic cheaply to profit (Baidu alliance is also), basically no foreign top alliances inside.

Third, foreign advertising alliance to earn dollars play

1、niche station

Niche is translated as "niche", so we generally call niche station. Simple description is: find a niche in the field of niche market for positioning, vertical do an independent station, and then through the search engine to get traffic (foreign general Google, Yahoo, etc.), or through overseas social media to promote the site, guide the user through the Offer link on your site to buy things, and you earn commission from it.

Here's a post from a standalone site that inserts theRakuten AllianceThe webmaster gets a commission (CPS) for the promotional links from which users enter to spend money:

Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's Guide

The independent site above is chosen for the healthy living niche, sharing healthy living experiences (values) while recommending appropriate products.

Website ProfitabilityThere are several ways to do this, and the one that hangs the Offer promotional link above is theaffiliate marketingindependent station to doAmazon AssociatesThe bias. There is also a dockingGoogle AdWords(Google Adsense), hang the ad code of the alliance, will automatically match the appropriate ads, the commission is very low, is the bottom of the site to realize the profitability of the way (CPM, CPC).

Website traffic sources:

One is search traffic, mainly from Google.

One is overseas social media promotion (overseas platforms are very open between, send promotional links contact information are allowed), some mainstream foreign social media platforms can go to the classified directory:Foreign Social Media PlatformsView. Here's a look at the traffic to a site I follow, mostly from social media promotions:

Foreign advertising alliance ultra-detailed earn dollars tutorial: Beginner's GuideIn short, niche station is a very suitable for individual webmasters, and there is not so much competition in the country a long-term stable project.

2. Media Buy

Media Buy Chinese translation is "traffic purchase", that is, pay to cast flow, we generally also called MB or run MB.

Run paid traffic mainly depends on the ROI (return on investment) can not run positive, run positive is to make money, run incorrect is to lose money.

Media Buy also has a profiteering play, we call Brandbid, the principle is to use Google Ads inside the advertiser's brand words to run a paid placement, that is to say, the user wants to buy a certain brand of things, go to Google to search for, you pay for the placement of the advertisement link in the front, the user comes in to place an order, it is from your recommended link to place an order.

So it's very NICE, and generally the ROI (ratio of input to output) can run 1:5 or even higher.

Operation Process: Alliance

1. Build a website or use a social media account to apply for an affiliate account and advertising Offer;

2. Then find Google Ads advertising agency to help you open an account;

3. Then on the advertising alliance to extract the Offer of the promotion link, hanging to Google Ads to put;

In the end, just account for the input and output ratio on the line, there is something to get it can always be invested. Similarly, in other traffic platforms can be placed, such as Bing, Facebook and so on.

In addition to Brandbid this direct cast brand words, the conversion rate is very high, and does not require any technology, the other paid placement itself is a technical work to eat experience, novice operation is basically white to the Media Buy experience is basically by burning money burned out, I used to blind burn Baidu bidding, a look at the sales must be, a calculation of the profits of loss of 5,000, no one to do, can not afford to step on this pit.

If you want to develop in media buy this industry, burning your own money is definitely not possible, the smart way is to go to work in a cross-border type of company, burning the company's money, brushing up on their own experience, experience accumulated enough, you can come out and start a business on your own to do it alone.

3、Social media promotion

As mentioned earlier, overseas social media platforms basically allow you to post links directly. So, it is possible to post links on some of the mainstreamOverseas Social Media PlatformsJust post the promotional content on it and bring the affiliate's promotional link.

This kind of promotion is also suitable for newbies to operate, there is no difficulty, similar to the domestic short videos and graphics with goods and so on, but the commission settled in U.S. dollars compared to the domestic is much more. There is no cost, the domestic article translated into English release can start to promote.

Of course, in order to do a good job of social media promotion, it is definitely necessary to understand the operating experience of the corresponding platforms, and just weigh it yourself.

4、Advertising Union EMU

EMU is the cheating play of the advertising alliance, the action of breaking the rules is naturally the easiest and most direct way to get the commission, which is also known as the ultimate play of foreign advertising alliance programs, the principle of operation of the advertising alliance EMU is explained separately later.

All you need to know is that EMU (Emulator) is the act of simulating real user behavior in order to cheat ad affiliates. In the field of advertising, EMU is a kind of cheating means to get ad revenue by simulating clicks, installs or other user behaviors. This kind of behavior not only violates the rules of ad affiliates, but also causes financial loss and data confusion to advertisers and ad platforms.

So do you think ad affiliate emu is illegal?

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