Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

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Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

In the advertising alliance beginner tutorial, it is said that the alliance whether to send money is the fundamental factor in our screening alliance, and foreign advertising alliance as an overseas platform, the commission is naturally issued in foreign currencies, so there is a need to be able to receive foreign currency commissions, and can turn him into a large yuan and withdraw cash to our card collection platform.

This ad affiliate tutorial explains the available affiliate payment platform, the application method and the general site registration is no different, fill in the information will be able to take care of their own affiliate payment account. If you do not have much knowledge of the advertising affiliate program, it is recommended that you read this series of tutorials for starters:

One,AdWords CollectionsPayoneer (of Payoneer)

1. Introduction to PAYE collection

The official entrance to the Pai An Ying website:

Payoneer (Payoneer) is a commonly used platform for making affiliate payments, and many affiliates support the use of Payoneer to make payments (for example).SAS Alliance,CJ Alliance,IMP Alliance(etc.).
In practice, as long as the Alliance sends money to support ACH (direct collection)All of them can use Pai An Ying to collect payments.
A brief explanationThe Logic of Pai-On Ying Collections::
Pai An Ying is not like the domestic Alipay is a collection account, but a platform that can open a collection account, can open a collection account in multiple currencies, and is currently determined to be able to collect money isUnited States dollar (USD)respond in singingPound sterling (GBP).
There is talk of Canada being able to collect as well, but the test results are that you don't get it and you have to wait until the next affiliate payout timeframe for the affiliate to re-pay your collection account.
Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

Another reason why Paian Ying can be used to collect money for affiliates is the ability to open multiple collection accounts, because an affiliate account needs to be tied to one collection account (to avoid being associated), and Paian Ying can open multiple accounts so that each account can be matched with a collection account, as shown below:

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

Paian Ying Multiple bank accounts in the same country

The multiple opening of receiving accounts is also by the requirements, here to share some experience, personal new number does not give more than one receiving account, up to three countries to open a single receiving account (the United States, the United Kingdom and one other), so the personal new number can only have two valid receiving accounts.

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect moneyPersonal number in the collection, you can apply to Payoneer customer service to open more collection accounts, try to apply to more than 10, 10 is sure to come down.

There is also a trick I personally figured out, registered business body of the Pai An Ying (self-employed can also), the new number can apply for more than one open receipts account. Try to apply to open 15, the result is given to open, maybe you can apply for more.

How to apply for a Paian Ying Multi-Open Receipt Account:Contact Pai On Ying Instant Customer Service

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

The above three ways can directly contact the Pai An Ying online customer service, directly tell customer service you need to apply for more than one collection account on the line. Below is the general process of applying for multiple accounts with my public number:

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

After applying and waiting it's fine, it's not clear how long it's given to open, I logged on two days later and saw that it had been given to open more.

2. Advantages of Paian Ying

  • Possibility to open multiple collection accountsA Pai An Ying account to apply for a dozen or more bank collection accounts in the same country (personal number), the enterprise number of the new number can be, the collection of the enterprise number of the minimum number of more than 20 (each country, personal number of the same reason).
  • An identity can register 5 Pai An Ying (personal), the enterprise did not try, should also be able to, but do not recommend this operation, if you have a problem with the account of this identity, the other accounts of the same identity will be associated, may be linked (Pai An Ying customer service said), on behalf of a self-employed license is only a few dozens of dollars.
  • Support for misnamed receipts. For example, if you have 20 sas accounts, each with a different identity, you can still take care of the collection of these 20 affiliates with a single Paian Ying account.

Special circumstances:

Some accounts will not be able to collect affiliate payments, small probability is time, if you encountered, just log out of this account and re-register (will not cause financial loss, the next affiliate payout cycle and then collect).

What does misnamed collections mean?

A misnomer is when an affiliate account is signed up with different identifying information than the bank account information in Pai Anying.

And when the affiliate credits you, it credits you with the name on the affiliate account and the bank card you filled out. This name doesn't match up, but Paiyan Ying can still credit you

Note: Not all alliances can be misnamed to receive money, some alliances to call over the Pai An Ying will ask you to provide proof.

3、Pai'an's surplus registration skills

With their own real identity can be registered, if you use a business license or individual license, but also with their own, because the final embodiment of the bank card has to be the same person's or legal person, the enterprise can also be used to use the person's personal bank card to collect money.

After Payoneer registration, customer service will call you to confirm the information, such as for what business collection, roughly how much water flow, and also use what otherCross-border Collection Platformetc., just answer normally.

After registration, you can log in, will be asked to add some information, ID cards and so on, may also require additional address information, fill in the truth on the line, pay attention to the registration with the Chinese to Pinyin, Chinese characters do not work.

4、Pai'an's surplus registration process details

initial step: Enter the official website of Pai On Ying

Tap "Register" in the upper right corner to enter the registration page. You can choose either "Cross-border E-commerce" or "Other Ocean-going Merchants".
Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

Choose the type of PAYE account you are registering for

second stepChoose the subject of registration, self-employed people can also register "company", and then fill in the information normally:

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

third step: Fill in your cell phone number and accept the CAPTCHA verification:

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

fourth step: continue to fill in the user name and password, security questions (after registration, the first time to log in and also reset the security questions)

fifth step: Fill in the information as normal, and fill in your own website address in the "Store URL" field.

5. Cautions

1. As mentioned earlier, only the US and the UK can collect payments properly when done so far (UK crediting is about 1 day later than the US).

2. If your Pai An Ying account only U.S. accounts, you can apply for a British account in the "Receipts - Apply for an account" there, the above screenshot, here to pick up not put the picture, multi-opening method also said very clearly, do not repeat.

3. Pai Ann Ying may be blocked, be pulled into the blacklist. The reason is that the headquarters of the spot check to, this depends on luck, do not pull people into the blacklist, there is no way to unblock (so the front I do not recommend personal identity registration of more than one, lest it is too conspicuous, triggering the PaiAnYing wind control mechanism).

Two,AdWords CollectionsPingPong

Entrance to the official PingPong website:

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

Ask PingPong online customer service if you can collect money

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

PingPong can also be used to collect money as well as PaiAnYing, the collection of money will not card people, at present there is no discovery and similar to PaiAnYing to provide proof of receipt of money. The actual PingPong and PaiAnYing and LianLianPay three is competition, LianLianPay what the situation is not clear, PingPong can be more good collection, personal enterprise can.

III. Other Union collection methods

PayPal, generally used when the overseas advertising alliance only supports PayPal, because there are cases where PayPal is blocked after the payment is received, I won't go into details here. There are alsoWise,Cloud Gateway in the Skyetc. can also be used for affiliate collections.

Wise, like PAYE, can also open multi-country bank accounts, and more than PAYE. However, Wise is not as easy to register as PAYE, and there are 2 problems to solve:

1. To verify your identity with your passport

2. After the identity verification is completed, you have to deposit 20 US dollars into your account (you can go to Taobao and find someone to fill it for you, but it is not clear where the funds come from and it may get your Wise number blocked).

IV. AbroadAdWords payoutworkflows

2 Ways for Affiliates to Send Payments

first typeIt's SAS Affiliate like this, the Affiliate has a fixed payout time (the 20th of each month to release the previous month's performance), advertisers in accordance with the Affiliate's payout time in advance to determine the performance and send the payment. Only a very few Offers are paid out over 2 months.

The second one isCJ, IMP, Awin this kind, the alliance will go according to the time of the advertisement, have to wait for the advertisers to confirm the performance first, and then pay to the alliance, and finally the alliance in the monthly fixed payout time for you to pay (common is twice a month). And Offer generally confirm the performance of the cycle in 1-3 months.

These types of ad affiliates look for a time period of a few months (also some affiliates don't see it) to confirm performance when screening Offers.

Take Awin for example:

Foreign advertising alliance tutorial: alliance send money and collect money

Looking from right to left, the performance on the far right is the one you made but the advertiser hasn't confirmed yet. The second from the right is the total performance confirmed by the advertisers, and the third is the one waiting for the advertisers to make payments. The one on the far left is the one that the advertiser has already paid, but is waiting for Awin Affiliate to send the payment.

Possible special cases of alliance payments

1. Delayed payment by advertisers

Even if the advertiser confirms your performance, but is late in paying the affiliate because the advertiser's own budget is running low, then the cycle will be extended (don't worry, it won't run out).

2. Delayed Union payments

This situation usually occurs in CJ, IMP affiliates, encounter this situation can send an email to ask the affiliate AM (affiliate manager), ask why there is no payment. Encountered more cases is the AM in the review of your affiliate account, such as your traffic source this link may have a problem.

What does Alliance AM mean?

Affiliate AM usually refers to the "Affiliate Manager" in the advertisement alliance, which can be translated as "Alliance Manager" in Chinese, and is mainly responsible for coordinating and managing the relationship between the advertisers and the alliance members (traffic owners).

The situations mentioned above are some of the main responsibilities of an AM: monitoring and preventing cheating, as well as dealing with payment and billing related issues.

3. Minimum payment not met

We also call it "not reaching the starting line", basically every affiliate has a minimum payout limit, usually more common is 50 dollars. If your account has a performance of 49 dollars, it will not be paid.

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