Yopmailofficial website

Temporary free e-mail, valid for 5 days

Yopmailpresent (sb for a job etc)

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Yopmail is a website that provides temporary free email service and its official website address is www.yopmail.com. The main feature of this website is to provide a temporary email address that is valid for 5 days. This temporary email address can be used to sign up for services that do not need to be used for a long period of time, such as some temporary online shopping sites, social media accounts and so on. With the temporary email address provided by Yopmail, you don't need to worry about the safety of your personal information because it will automatically expire after 5 days, so that no one will be able to access your email information for a long time.

Yopmail is very easy to use, you just need to open the official website, click on the "Register" button, and then enter your desired username and password, you can generate a temporary e-mail. This e-mail address will immediately receive a verification e-mail, you need to click on the link in the e-mail to activate your e-mail address. Once activated, you will be able to use this e-mail address to receive and send e-mails.

Although Yopmail provides a temporary e-mail address, its functions are not inferior to the traditional e-mail address. You can set up automatic forwarding to forward emails to your main mailbox; you can also set up filtering rules to automatically categorize spam emails into spam folder; you can also view history emails, even if your temporary electronic mailbox has expired, you can retrieve some important information through these history emails.

Yopmail is a very useful website for temporary e-mail services. Whether you need to sign up for a new online service or you need to keep your personal information safe, Yopmail can provide you with great help. So, if you have a need in this area, try Yopmail, it will surely bring you great convenience.

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