Inboxkittenofficial website

Open source temporary mailbox

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Virtual Mailbox Website: Inboxkitten Introduction


Inboxkitten is an open source temporary mailbox service that allows users to create a unique, temporary email address for receiving verification emails, subscription notifications, etc. from other websites. In this way, users can complete a variety of online operations without worrying about privacy leakage.Inboxkitten also provides some additional features, such as automatic deletion of emails, customized domain names and so on, to make users' virtual mailboxes more convenient and practical.

Let's see how to create an Inboxkitten virtual mailbox. Open the official website of, you will see a simple and clear interface. In the center of the page, there is a "Get Started for Free" button, click it to start creating your virtual mailbox.

In the process of creating a virtual mailbox, you need to provide some basic information such as name, password, etc. It is important to note that the password here is not your real password, but a temporary random password. This is to protect your privacy and security and to ensure that your real password will not be leaked to others. You can also choose whether or not to associate your virtual mailbox with your social media accounts for quick logins when needed.

After creating your virtual mailbox, you can start using it immediately. On the homepage of Inboxkitten, you will see an inbox icon, click on it to see all your emails. These emails are received through Inboxkitten, so they are temporary. You can always choose to delete or deactivate this virtual mailbox when you no longer need it.

Besides the basic functions of sending and receiving emails, Inboxkitten also provides some advanced features. You can set the interval for automatically deleting read emails so as not to take up too much storage space; you can also associate your virtual mailbox with a customized domain name to make your emails look more professional.Inboxkitten also supports synchronization of multiple devices, so you can easily view and manage your emails no matter if you are using your virtual mailbox on your computer, cell phone or tablet.


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