Rakuten Advertisingofficial website

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Rakuten Advertising is a comprehensive affiliate website that was formerly known as Linkshare, one of the world's large affiliate networks. The site offers a variety of advertising models, including CPS, CPA, and CPL to name a few. This seems to be Rakuten's advertising platform, and my personal knowledge of Rakuten is Rakuten Rebate.com, which is generally used as a test Offer tool and is easy to sign up for, speaking of which, I'd like to share one of the same top advertising affiliates, CJ:

Let's understand what CPS is.CPS stands for Cost Per Sale. When a user buys a product through a link from Rakuten Advertising, the advertiser pays a fee to the affiliate. This advertising model is a cost-controlled way for advertisers because they only need to pay for the actual sales generated.

CPA (Cost Per Action) is a pay-per-action advertising model. In this model, advertisers only need to pay for users to complete a specific action, such as registering, downloading or filling out a survey. Compared to CPS, CPA is more flexible because advertisers only need to pay for the actual action generated, not for the sale.

CPL (Cost Per Lead) is a pay-per-lead advertising model. In this model, advertisers only need to pay for actions such as users submitting personal information or subscribing to emails. This advertising model is suitable for advertisers who want to get information about potential customers and they can expand their customer base through the CPL model.

Rakuten Advertising has a variety of name brand advertisers, which means affiliates can choose to work with the brands they are interested in. Whether it's in fashion, beauty, electronics or travel, Rakuten Advertising has the right advertiser partner. This provides affiliates with more opportunities to choose the right advertising program for them.

Rakuten Advertising, as a comprehensive affiliate website, offers a wide range of advertising models and options for name brand advertisers. Whether it's CPS, CPA or CPL, all of them can satisfy different advertisers' needs.Rakuten Advertising also gives affiliates more chances to choose the right advertising program for them. If you are an affiliate, I highly recommend you to join Rakuten Advertising, which will bring you more earnings and development opportunities.

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