Mobideaofficial website

European Union focusing on mobile traffic

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Mobidea is a CPA affiliate site which has over 130,000 affiliates and 800+ advertisers. This site provides a platform where affiliates and advertisers can cooperate with each other for a win-win situation.

Let's understand what affiliates are.Affiliates are people who earn a commission by promoting a particular product or service. They usually post links on social media or place ads on their websites to attract users to click and buy the product. When a user purchases a product through their link, affiliates receive a percentage of the commission.

Advertisers, on the other hand, are people who want to promote their products or services through affiliates. They will sign up for an account on a CPA affiliate site like Mobidea and post their own advertising tasks. These advertising tasks usually include asking affiliates to fulfill a certain number of clicks or sales within a specific time frame.

Mobidea, as a CPA affiliate website, provides a convenient communication platform for affiliates and advertisers. affiliates can view a wide range of advertised tasks on the website and choose the ones they are interested in to promote. Advertisers, on the other hand, can find suitable affiliates through Mobidea and promote their products or services to more potential customers.

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