100 Non-Required Books for Product Peopleofficial website

This is not the end, but the beginning; there are no answers here, but slices of reflection. But it's these non-required reads that have shaped my view of products, and I hope you'll be inspired as well. The plan is to update 100 books...

100 Non-Required Books for Product Peoplepresent (sb for a job etc)

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Welcome to the 100 Non-Required Books for Product People column, which is not the end of the road, but a fresh start; there are no standard answers, but rather slices to stimulate your thinking. Although these books are not required reading, they have shaped my outlook on products in a subtle way. I hope you'll be inspired by them as well.

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Why choose a non-required book?

In the growth path of product managers, classic books are important, but those seemingly less "must-read" books often bring us more thinking and inspiration. They may not directly tell you how to design a successful product, but they can expand your horizons and stimulate your creativity.

What makes this column unique

In this column, we'll introduce 100 books that span a variety of fields, including psychology, history, philosophy, art, and more. Each book has its own unique value and helps you think about product design and user experience from a different perspective.

Rhythm of Program Updates

We will be updating regularly, introducing one book at a time, sharing the best of the content and my personal experience. I hope that by sharing in this way, I can provide you with some new perspectives and ways of thinking on the road of product design.

How do I read these books?

When reading these books, you don't have to aim for a quick finish, but rather, you have to be attentive to the ideas and perspectives. Each book is unique in its own way, and it's possible that one small point of view will trigger a whole new way of thinking about product design.

Start your reading journey

Whether you're a product newbie just starting out or a seasoned veteran, this column will provide you with some new perspectives to think about. Let's embark on this journey of thinking together and draw inspiration from these non-required books to improve our product design.

Please stay tuned to the column of "100 Non-Required Books for Product People", each update will bring you new surprises and gains. We look forward to growing with you and exploring the infinite possibilities of product design together.

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