Product Meditations | Season 6 (Concluded)official website

Product Meditations™ is a knowledge base about products and a newsletter (mailing group) that started in 2017 and has accumulated nearly 200+ issues, covering...

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Product Meditations Season 6: Exploring Cutting-Edge Ideas and Innovative Practices

Welcome to the sixth season of Product Meditations, a column focused on exploring cutting-edge ideas, innovative practices, and deep thinking behind product development. In this season, we continue to dig deeper into top ideas and practical experiences from around the globe, covering multiple fields such as technology, business, philosophy, life, etc., to bring you brand new revelations and insights.

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This section brings together insights and reflections from world-renowned entrepreneurs and thinkers. From Steve Jobs' emails to himself to Patrick Collison's thoughts on boosting the Internet beyond GDP, each article digs deeper into their unique mindset and the stories behind their success.

  • An email from Steve Jobs to himself: Revisiting the personal reflections of this tech giant.
  • Lee Kuan Yew: Abandon all illusions and stay different: Learn about the governing philosophy of the founding father of Singapore.
  • Toshifumi Suzuki: Always stand in the customer's shoes: Learn from the retail giant's customer-first philosophy.

Product Watch

In this section, we take an in-depth look at the design and development of many successful products. From the early days of Notion's product design to the innovation of the Arc Browser, we explore the strategy and thinking behind the products through specific case studies.

  • Notion's early product design: Decode the design philosophy behind this popular tool.
  • Chrome went from 0 to 70% market share and what we can observe from it: Explore the reasons for Chrome's success.
  • Hyperlink maximalist practice - Explore the application of new knowledge management tools.

Product Methodology

This section brings together a variety of practical methodologies and strategies for product management. Whether you are a product manager, designer or entrepreneur, you will find inspiration and guidance.

  • Revisiting how to identify the demand value chain and market segmentation: An in-depth look at how to accurately identify market needs.
  • Shape Up: Product Methodology from Basecamp: Understand Basecamp's efficient working methods.
  • Brandon Chu summarizes the first principles of being a PM: Learn important principles and practices in the field of PM.

begin an undertaking

Entrepreneurship is not only a process, but also a mindset. In this section, we share the stories of many successful entrepreneurs and their valuable experiences.

  • Michael Porter: What is Strategy: Understand the critical role of strategy in business success.
  • Nurture the team, not look for good ideas: How to achieve long-term success by developing your team.
  • Netflix's Army of Monkeys: Learn how Netflix stays innovative through its unique corporate culture.


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  • What does ChatGPT really mean?: An in-depth analysis of the impact of this revolutionary technology.
  • When we're drawing with AI, what is AI really doing?: Revealing the principles behind AI creation.
  • Reader-generated article: reflections on GPT-3: Explore the potential and challenges of AI-generated content.


Improving individual and team effectiveness is a central theme in the modern workplace. In this section, we offer a range of practical tools and methods to help you optimize your productivity.

  • Energy Audit - Finding Your Genius Zone: Enhancing personal effectiveness through energy management.
  • Four Practices of Time Management: Master the key skills of effective time management.
  • How to be 50 times more productive without working overtime: The secret to achieving productive work.

Life and Philosophy

Life is not just about work; philosophy and reflection are an integral part of who we are. In this section, we explore a variety of life philosophies and practical advice to help you find inner peace and happiness outside of work.

  • A New Perspective: Depth Year: Explore the concept of deep living.
  • Life's Toolbox: Learn how to improve your quality of life with practical tools.
  • Use the time invested as a yardstick to tap into what you really love to do: Finding a career that you truly love.


In this section, we explore how to deal with inner challenges and find your true self. Whether you're dealing with anxiety or boosting your happiness, the articles here will provide you with practical guidance.

  • How to be happy?: Explore joyful science and practice.
  • Leaning into the pain, facing reality, fixing the machine instead of the man: Learn the wisdom to deal with life's challenges.
  • For the man of "The Staff and the Distant View", guarding his ambitions: Motivate yourself to pursue ambitious goals.

Perspectives and Archaeology

In this section, we look back at key events and ideas in history and explore their impact on modern society.

  • Naval 2021 Podcast Highlights Collection - You Should Reject Most Advice: Draws inspiration from Naval's wisdom.
  • A proposal by Tim Berners Lee on information management: Understanding the future of information management.
  • Go back 7 years and see what Peter Thiel had to say: Finding the future in the thoughts of the past.

borrow talent from abroad

This section brings together success stories and lessons learned from around the globe to help you find inspiration and guidance in a variety of fields.

  • Paradigm Shift from the Transformation of Fuel Vehicles: Understanding the far-reaching effects of technological change.
  • How smartphones could dismantle the oil industry: Explore the disruption of traditional industries by smartphones.
  • Understanding the Heterogeneity of China's Growth Story: Understanding China's unique path to economic growth.

Content and Writing

In this section, we share valuable lessons on content creation and writing techniques to help you improve your writing skills and content impact.

  • Five years and five principles for writing content: Master the core principles of effective content creation.
  • Ways to Write Effectively: Learn how to express ideas clearly and powerfully.
  • Learning Storytelling with Pixar: Find inspiration in the storytelling techniques of top animation companies.

have a job

In this section, we explore how to perform tasks and achieve goals efficiently. Whether you are an individual or a team, you will find practical strategies and approaches.

  • Facts and Narratives: Understand the importance of facts and narratives in their work.
  • Three perspectives on improving mobility: Learning how to be empowered for action.
  • Shannon's solution to the problem: New ideas for problem solving from information theory.

cognitive decision-making

In this section, we look at how to enhance individual and team effectiveness by improving cognitive and decision-making skills.

  • Information quality and decision-making: Understand the importance of quality information for decision-making.
  • How to take the first step in the face of complexity: Learning to make effective decisions in complex environments.
  • Build your personal career moat like you build a product: Building long-term advantages for career development.

knowledge management

Knowledge management is a core skill in modern work. In this section, we share practical tips and techniques on knowledge management to help you learn and work more efficiently.

  • How to find the source: it's not the noise reduction that matters, it's the selection: To acquire skills in selecting high-quality information.
  • How does curiosity in learning die out?: Explore ways to stay curious.
  • The Rise and Future of Knowledge Curating: To understand emerging trends and future directions in knowledge management.

With Product Meditations Season 6, we hope to bring you fresh perspectives and insights that will help you continue to grow and improve in your work and life. Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a product manager or an entrepreneur, here is the knowledge and inspiration you need. We look forward to exploring the infinite possibilities of the future with you.

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