Product Meditations | Season 5 (Concluded)official website

Product Meditations™ is a knowledge base about products and a newsletter (mailing group) that started in 2017 and has accumulated nearly 200+ issues, covering...

Product Meditations | Season 5 (Concluded)present (sb for a job etc)

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Exploring the Frontiers of the Product World: 'Product Meditations' Season 5

Welcome to the fifth season of Product Meditations™, a digital garden dedicated to revealing deep knowledge of the product world. Since its inception in 2017, Product Meditations, co-directed by Shao Nan (Plidezus) and fonter, has published more than 200 issues of content and accumulated nearly a million words of valuable material. This season's content is colorful and covers a wide range of areas such as various product observations, startup stories, knowledge management and life philosophy.

Annual Content Catalog Highlights


  • Bruce Zhang (1940-1973), Hong Kong actor and martial arts expert - The father of WeChat, exploring the product philosophy behind WeChat.
  • Li Xiang (1907-1989), Chinese communist leader, prime minister of the Republic of China after the cultural revolution - Ideal Cars and learn how innovation is driving change in the automotive industry.
  • Zhang Yiming - The archaeology of byte-hopping reveals byte-hopping's path to success.
  • Zhu Jun (1962-), Chinese chess grandmaster - story.
  • Tim Berners-Lee - Inventor of the World Wide Web.
  • Theodore Levitt - An Exploration of the Marketing Imagination.
  • Jonathan Blow - Indie game producer.
  • Ralph Ammer, Armour - Painter and teacher.
  • Avron Barr - Knowledge Engineer.
  • John O'Nolan - What do you want to do with the rest of your life if you're not short of money.
  • Doug Engelbart - What is the problem to be solved.
  • Mike Matas and the earliest designers of iOS - An in-depth look at the story behind iOS design.

Product Watch

  • Some of the stories behind Google - Discover the secrets of Google's success.
  • Three Perspectives on Figma - Interpreting Figma's success from different perspectives.
  • NO FILTER: Demystifying Instagram - Learn about the growth of Instagram.
  • SalesTech Unicorns of Outreach - Unicorn company in SalesTech.
  • Paradigm Shift from Evernote's History - Reflecting on Evernote's successes and failures.
  • Substack and Medium rhyme with each other. - Explore the similarities and differences between the two platforms.
  • A Brief History of Netflix Personalized Recommendations - Learn how Netflix is achieving success through personalized recommendations.

product design

  • Concise database history - The evolution of databases.
  • Simple Made Easy - Simple and easy design philosophy.
  • Excel Never Dies - Spreadsheet-driven Web applications.
  • Product Manager from Entry to In - Career paths for product managers.
  • Idea Shopify Prioritization - Shopify's execution strategy.
  • The one number you need to focus on regarding growth - Secrets of Growth Hacking.

begin an undertaking

  • Differentiation for Survival - How to stand out from the competition.
  • 4 Types of Side Hustles - Explore different types of side projects.
  • Results-based management - How to allocate resources effectively.
  • Reading Weak Communication - Understand the basic principles of communication.

knowledge management

  • Knowledge is not a 'thing' - Core concepts of knowledge management.
  • The History and Spirit of Digital Gardens - The origin and significance of digital gardens.
  • How to remember what you've read - Ways to Improve Reading Memory.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online - Become a better online writer.

Perspectives and Archaeology

  • Hypertext tools in the 1980s - Explore the history of hypertext tools.
  • API Devour the World - How APIs have changed the way data integration is done.
  • Tech memes for the decade after 2020s - Looking ahead to the next decade of science and technology.

Life and Philosophy

  • Wang Defeng: Searching for Meaning - Explore the meaning of life.
  • Han Byung-chul: The Burnout Society - The phenomenon of exhaustion in modern society.
  • intrinsic motivation - Understanding the importance of intrinsic motivation.
  • The quest for complete happiness and why it might be wrong. - Revisiting the definition of happiness.

How can I join Product Meditations Season 5?

You can get the latest product research, industry news and in-depth feature analysis by visiting our official website and signing up for our free Newsletter. Join our community of product enthusiasts around the world to share and explore the infinite possibilities of the product world.

concluding remarks

Season 5 of Product Meditations has set sail and is waiting to be explored. Whether you are a new reader or a loyal fan, there is endless knowledge waiting for you to discover. Let's travel through time together and witness the growth and change of this digital garden.

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