Good Luck by Design: Benefiting from Uncertaintyofficial website

People with bad luck drink cold water and stuff their teeth; people with good luck walk the road and pick up money. In the next six months, you are welcome to join us to learn how to become a better luck person through scientific and engineering methods. Rest assured...

Good Luck by Design: Benefiting from Uncertaintypresent (sb for a job etc)

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Have you ever been in a situation where you can drink cold water and pick up money while walking? These are the classic portraits of bad luck and good luck. And if you are told that in the next six months, we can enhance your good luck through scientific methods, would you like to join us?

Designing Good Luck: Benefiting from Uncertainty is not a book that tells you to go stand at the center of the universe and call out for love, or hypnotize yourself to wait for good luck to come your way, or for pie in the sky to fall from the sky. Rather, it's about transforming the world's uncertainty into success and happiness by learning to design behaviors and environments and expand your options.

About the Author.

Ren Xin, a serial entrepreneur, is currently the CEO of Get, and was the Vice President of Jingdong O2O and the founder of Tonight's Hotel Special. He pours his years of experience in entrepreneurship and management into this book, hoping to take you step by step to good luck through real-world cases and scientific methods.

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  1. Join the exclusive readers' group: Add Ren Xin's WeChat to enter the exclusive WeChat group for founding readers and exchange learning experiences with other readers.
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  3. 10 Live Streams + Q&A: Meet face-to-face with author Ren Xin and other industry gurus to address your concerns.
  4. autographed physical book: Upon publication, each founding reader will receive a free physical copy of the book autographed by Xin Ren.
  5. Read a total of 10 books for good luck: Read 10 books related to good luck with other readers (see introductory page for list).
  6. Exclusive Writing Kit: Includes 100 good luck card notes to help you better understand and apply the book.

Join us for Good Luck by Design: Benefiting from Uncertainty!

You are welcome to join us to learn how to become a better shipper through a scientific, engineering approach. Scan the QR code below and add Ren Xin's WeChat for more details.

Come together to design good luck and make the future full of possibilities!

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