AI Assistant Getting Started Manualofficial website

Getting Started with AI Assistants Handbook (alias: GPTs Application Development Guide) Without programming, each person can build their own AI robot assistant and increase productivity tenfold The handbook is written by ten real-world AI field co...

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In today's digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the key tools for businesses and individuals to increase productivity and efficiency. With the development of AI technology, more and more people are beginning to realize the potential of AI assistants and want to master this skill to meet the challenges of the future. To fulfill this need, we are pleased to introduce you to the Getting Started with AI Assistants Handbook (alias: GPTs Application Development Guide).

What is the AI Assistant Primer?

The Getting Started with AI Assistants Handbook is a practical guide designed to help individuals and businesses utilize AI technology to become more productive. Co-created by ten real-world practitioners in the AI field, this manual combines their experiences and insights and aims to make it easy for everyone to build their own AI robot assistant without programming knowledge.

Overview of the contents of the manual

  • Getting Started with GPTs: Starting from the basics, we will introduce how to build your own AI assistant using GPTs (Generative Pre-Trained Models) technology. Whether you are a beginner or a professional with some experience, this manual will provide you with clear instructions to help you quickly master the skills you need.
  • Application cases in various industries: In addition to the basics, we will also delve into the use cases of AI assistants in various industries. Whether you are a practitioner in education, healthcare, finance, retail or any other industry, you will find the right solution for you and learn how to apply AI assistants to your real work.
  • Business Practice Sharing: To help you better understand the application of AI Assistant in business, we will also share some successful business practice cases. These cases will show how AI Assistant can help organizations increase productivity, reduce costs, enhance customer experience, and create more business value.

Special Offer: limited time discount!

In order to make the AI Assistant Getting Started Manual easily accessible to as many people as possible, we're offering a special limited-time discount. The manual, originally priced at $199, is now available for only $19.90! In addition, we are committed to continuously updating the manual's content to ensure that you are always up-to-date with the latest AI technologies and applications.

concluding remarks

The AI Assistant Starter Manual is your ideal guide to exploring the future of AI. Whether you are looking to enhance your personal skills or introduce new tools and technologies to your organization, this handbook will provide you with invaluable help and support. Grab your copy today and join the AI revolution!

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