Mr. Xuan's Column|Knowledge Baseofficial website


Mr. Xuan's Column|Knowledge Basepresent (sb for a job etc)

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Welcome to the column of Mr. Xuan's Little Newspaper Boy! Here is the cradle of wisdom before you enter the society, each article is tailor-made for you to workplace secrets and interpersonal communication guide. We are committed to providing a wonderful feast of knowledge for you who are about to step into the society from the campus.

Our content covers:

  1. Fan Case Analysis: By breaking down the various problems that fans encounter, we lay out solutions for you in advance so that you can deal with the challenges in the workplace.
  2. Xuanzhong Thinking Collection: Mr. Hsuan shares his personal thinking and perceptions, and these valuable lessons will help you find your way in a complex and changing environment.
  3. Lesson in Dining: Teach you how to break the ice decently, lay out food wisely, and make easy conversation at a meal, social skills that will be a plus for your career advancement.
  4. Exchange Interview Collection: Private exchanges with Mr. Xuan, as well as Mr. Xuan's dinner review with the industry's bigwigs, take you to the forefront of the industry.
  5. The classic question of dealing with people in the world: For the workplace novice, a breakdown of these basic questions will help you quickly adapt to workplace culture and relationships.
  6. Internet Self-Media Skills: Internet skills shared by Mr. Hsuan and his team of great teachers to make you stand out in the digital age.
  7. More to be explored...

Our column is not just about learning the art of dealing with people, but also covers the wisdom of starting a money-making business and the skills of emotional management. Whether you're a newcomer to the workplace or a veteran looking to improve your self-awareness, you'll find what you need here.

Why choose Mr. Hen's column?

We use a column format to provide high-quality content to ensure that you have low-threshold and efficient access to knowledge and skills. Each year, we plan to update 300+ chapters to ensure you are always at the forefront of knowledge.

No matter what stage of life you are in, if you are interested in dealing with people, workplace skills or personal growth, the Chief Hsuan column is a choice you can't afford to miss. Subscribe to Chief Hsuan's Little Newspaper Boy column and let's move towards a better you together!

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