A Guide to Personalized Knowledge Management in the Age of AIofficial website

This column is co-sponsored by Wang Xiao and Chengjia 👩 Wang Xiao - the column content manager, CEO of Everything Can Be Plated community, and the initiator of Knowledge Management Seminar - is responsible for the main content output of this column, as well as the continuous...

A Guide to Personalized Knowledge Management in the Age of AIpresent (sb for a job etc)

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Welcome to the column "A Guide to Personalized Knowledge Management in the Age of AI"! This is a column co-sponsored by two pioneers in the field of knowledge management - Wang Xiao and Cheng Jia. Here, we will deeply discuss the concept of knowledge management in the AI era, share practical experience, and help you build your own personalized knowledge system.

Column content

1. Reflections and sharing of views

In the first part of the column, Mr. Wang Jiao and Mr. Cheng A will share with you the in-depth thoughts and views on knowledge management in the AI era that have been generated during the year. They will cover the latest industry news, personal insights, and practical experiences to help you find the right knowledge management method for you in the era of information explosion.

2. [Personalized Knowledge Management in the Age of AI] Course

The [Personalized Knowledge Management in the Age of AI] courses developed by Mr. Wang Jiao are one of the core contents of the column. These course scripts will explain in detail how to utilize AI technology for knowledge management, from basic to advanced, to help you master and build your knowledge system step by step.

3. Sharing of updates and reflections

Through KM seminars and online and offline consulting, Mr. Wang and Mr. Chengjia have been absorbing the latest sharing and thinking of the big names in the field of knowledge management. These valuable experiences and insights will be updated in the column to ensure that you can be the first to grasp the cutting-edge of the industry.


Wang Xiong (1969-), Taiwanese singer

As the main content manager of the column, Ms. Wang Jiao is the CEO of the Everything Can Be Plated community and the initiator of the Knowledge Management Seminar. She is not only responsible for the output of the main content of the column, but also shares the new knowledge she has learned from all the big names to help you continuously improve your knowledge management ability.

refers the practice of becoming an armorer

Mr. Chengjia is the author of "Study Well" and "Think Well" and serves as the column's pop-up master. He will have random exchanges in the column, share his practical experience, and have a conversation with Wang Jiao, injecting more interaction and fun into the column.

Why choose us?

In the age of AI, learning styles and knowledge management styles have undergone profound changes. How to build your own knowledge management system? How to effectively utilize AI technology to support work and life? Through this column, we will gradually share our thinking, practice and learning gains in this field to help more people integrate into this learning paradigm revolution.

Subscription Information

  • Column pricing: $199, early adopter appreciation price of $179
  • Increase of $10 for every 100 people
  • Pay once and read for life after purchase

Subscribe to the "Personalized Knowledge Management Guide in the AI Era" column now and join us in exploring the new path of knowledge management in the AI era and building your own knowledge system to meet the challenges of the future!

With the above, we hope to help you better manage your knowledge in the age of AI, improve your learning efficiency, and achieve comprehensive personal and professional development. Welcome to join our column, grow and learn together!

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