Cat's Self-Media Bottom-Level Mindsetofficial website

The column includes 4 major sections: 1/ Cognition: reconstruct cognition, accurate pit avoidance, less detour 2/ Content: grasp the key to the content, solid self-media foundation 3/ Traffic: sustained access to traffic, amplify the self...

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Personal IP from getting started to cashing in: the Little Newspaper Boy column

Cognition: Reconstructing cognition, avoiding pitfalls accurately, and taking less detours

In the world of self-publishing, whether the cognition is correct or not directly determines your success or not. This article will take you to reconstruct your cognition and accurately avoid pitfalls to help you take less detours. Through in-depth analysis of successful cases and common misunderstandings, you will learn how to efficiently layout your personal IP so as to lay a solid foundation.

Content: grasp the key to content, solid foundation of self media

Content is the soul of self-publishing. Master the key skills of content creation in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors. This article will explain in detail how to plan, create and publish high-quality content, firmly rooted in the foundation of self media, so that your content in the major platforms to detonate traffic.

Traffic: continuous access to traffic, amplify the potential of self-media

Having good content is only the first step, how to get traffic consistently is the key to making your self media last. This article will teach you how to get traffic through a variety of channels, improve your self media influence, amplify your self media potential, and let more people see your work.

Realization chapter: understand the product, advertising, to deal with the closed loop of realizing money

The ultimate goal is to realize cash. This article will systematically explain how to realize cash through products, advertising and other ways. Whether you want to sell your own products, or earn revenue through advertising cooperation, we will provide a detailed operational guide to help you quickly run through the closed loop of cash, earning the first bucket of money in the self media.

Bottom line mindshare: the secret of Cat's journey from 0 to 1,000,000 fans

This column is the first time to publicize Ah Cat's underlying mindset of going from 0 to 1 million fans, bringing you a comprehensive analysis of every aspect of self media cash. Through 60 detailed tutorials, you will learn a full set of methodology from getting started to cash, and quickly realize your self media dream.

Subscription Information

  • Update Date: Total of 60 columns, updated April 29th.
  • prices: Original price $199, early bird price $49. One subscription, forever.
  • Price increase information: The price increases to $59 for a full 2,600 subscription.
  • Purchase of benefits:After purchasing, add the top post and note [Mindfulness] to send "Ah Cat's Selected Self-media Books" and "Mindfulness Guide for Public Number Operation (Detailed Edition)".

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