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I thought of "Mindset" as the theme for the New Year's booklet because I've always felt that a good mindset is a good thing for me, but in the ups and downs of the year 2022, I've had a few "mindset breakdown" moments...

Master of Mind 1.0present (sb for a job etc)

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Welcome to the Mindset Guru column

After the ups and downs of 2022, we are more reflective and aware of our mindset. Whether it is our personal life or career development, we will inevitably encounter various challenges and uncertainties. For this reason, I have decided to make 'Mindset' the theme of my New Year's booklet, through which I hope to help you take better control of your mindset and meet new challenges in the new year. One of the author's entrepreneurial story-sharing columns, "Where's Li Yi | Season 1":

Why choose mindfulness?

Mindset is the cornerstone of our life as we face various problems in life. A good mindset not only helps us to better cope with difficulties, but also allows us to maintain humility and gratitude in good times. However, even people with a good mindset can have moments when their mindset falls apart. I've had many such moments in 2022. Even the stories and truths I have written down for myself are forgotten or not even realized in some anxious moments.

In order to better face the future, I need to keep looking back and reminding myself of how far I've come in order to move forward more steadily, loosely, and with confidence. This is why I wrote this booklet in the first place, in the hope of adjusting my mindset and starting afresh with you.

Overview of the contents of the booklet

The Mindset Guru contains five sub-topics, each of which will help you enhance and take control of your mindset in different ways.

1. Talk to yourself

By dialoguing with ourselves, we can better understand our inner needs and emotional states. This section will describe how to engage in effective self-talk to help you better understand yourself and find inner balance.

2. Facing uncertainty

Life is full of uncertainties, we cannot foresee the future, but we can adjust our mindset to face it. This section will provide ways and techniques to cope with uncertainty so that you can remain calm in the midst of the vagaries of life.

3. Mindfulness of career advancement

The workplace is an important part of our lives where we need to constantly upgrade ourselves. This section will share the rules for upgrading your workplace mindset to help you navigate the workplace and achieve betterment.

4. Tips for the trough

Everyone has down times, and that's when we need some nuggets of advice to help us get out of the rut. This section will share ways to adjust your mindset during the downturn to help you regain your confidence and welcome the new life.

5. Healthy bodies and minds, the essence of a good state of mind

A healthy body and mind are the foundation for maintaining a good mindset. This section will cover how to maintain and enhance your mindset through a healthy lifestyle so that you can energize yourself for the new year.

Updated daily to progress with you all

Throughout the month of January, I will be updating a daily post to kick off 2023 with you.I hope that by sharing this, I can help you to adjust your mindset and get back on track for the new year. May we all be in control of our mindset for a brighter future!

Follow us for updates

Don't forget to follow The Mindset Guru column for new mindset management tips and stories every day. Let's all adjust our mindsets and move forward in the new year!

🌱 May we all be able to adjust our mindsets and start again!

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