Sister Seven's AI cue wordofficial website

Columnist: Xiaoqi, 13 years of product manager, Microsoft/ZelinAI enterprise service cooperation cue word engineer, AI open source community "Road to AGI" co-creator ...

Sister Seven's AI cue wordpresent (sb for a job etc)

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With the popularity of various types of large models, the use of AI technology has become more widespread. However, beginners often face a steep ramp to cue word learning when entering this field. There is a scarcity of quality introductory tutorials on the market, and the information is unsystematic and very fragmented. In order to solve this problem, Xiaoqi Sister has launched the "Xiaoqi Sister's AI Cue Words" booklet for zero-basic newcomers, in the hope of helping people better understand and master cue word engineering.

Column Highlights

  • Systematic Learning: Starting from the very basics, it gradually helps the reader to fill in the methods and concepts.
  • Practical Cases: Provides a wealth of basic practical examples to help readers consolidate what they have learned in practice.
  • go step by step: The content is designed from easy to difficult to help readers step-by-step with tips and techniques for writing prompts.

Column content

  1. Cue word learning map: Builds comprehensive learning paths to help readers get started quickly.
  2. Misconceptions about cue writing: Parsing common misconceptions and avoiding pitfalls in the learning process.
  3. ChatGPT Best Practices: Share best practices and tips for writing prompts on ChatGPT.
  4. Domestic Large Model Cue Words: An introduction to writing efficient cue words for large domestic models.

About Sister Seven

Sister Xiaoqi, with 13 years of experience as a product manager, has worked as an enterprise service cooperative cue word engineer in Microsoft and ZelinAI, and is the co-creator of "The Road to AGI" in the AI open source community. With her rich experience and in-depth research, Xiaoqi is committed to popularizing the complex knowledge of AI cue words and helping more people to get started easily.

Subscription Information

  • prices: The limited-time buyout price is $39, rising to $49 with a full 5,000 subscription.
  • Community Benefits: Subscribe to check out the top articles, join the free Knowledge Planet community, and have the opportunity to ask questions and interact one-on-one with Sister Seven.

The content of the Little Sister Seven's AI Cue Words booklet is for informational purposes only and does not provide a content-based instructional service, so please subscribe at your discretion. If you are looking for systematic guidance and practical tips in the field of AI cue words, subscribe to our column and start your learning journey.

Subscribe now to start your AI cue word learning journey!

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