Shao Nan's Turpentineofficial website

Picasso said: art critics get together to talk about form, structure and meaning, while artists get together to discuss where to buy cheap turpentine. Here I present myself as the method, the debugging...

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Welcome to the column of Shao Nan's Turpentine, an in-depth sharing platform focusing on product design, content creation and personal cultivation. Here, we don't just discuss theories, but also focus on practice and application, and help you make breakthroughs on the road of product development and personal growth through real cases and experience sharing.

Column Features

1. Product development and design We delve into all aspects of the product, from the initial concept to the final market launch. Picasso once said that artists get together to talk about where to buy cheap turpentine, whereas we are here to talk about how to debug ourselves and our products. Here are some of the core topics:

  • Slowly plant a product: Building a product takes time and patience.
  • Finite optimal solutions for catching up: Find the right optimization path for you.
  • Why we need to learn to write code (nothing to do with technology): Understand programming ideas and improve problem solving skills.
  • Simple design principles: A minimalist and uncomplicated design concept.
  • It's not the function that counts, it's the solution: Functional design should be oriented to user needs.

2. Content creation Content creation is another major focus of the column. We share our experience of the whole process from idea generation to content publishing to help you improve your creative skills.

  • Designing a machine that asks its own questions: How to make content more interactive and inspiring.
  • Product Meditations on the History of Content Evolution: Document the evolution and optimization process of content creation.
  • Five years and five principles for writing content: Insights and strategies for long-term creative endeavors.

3. Personal practice In the personal practice section, we focus on spiritual growth and self-improvement. By sharing practical methods and mindfulness techniques, we help you find balance and motivation in your life and work.

  • Anxiety: How to Dissolve Anxiety? Four Ways That Have Been Tried and Tested to Work: Practical tips for coping with anxiety.
  • Time: we live in a river of time: Reflections on time management and utilization.
  • Desire: Lust and Curiosity: Understanding and harnessing desire.

Welcome to communicate and discuss

At Less Nan's Turpentine, we encourage interaction and communication. You are welcome to join our discussion group, the QR code can be found in the top article. Let's explore the mysteries of product design, content creation and personal growth.


The column "Shao Nan's Turpentine" is dedicated to providing high-quality content to help you move forward in product development, content creation and personal practice. Follow us to get the latest thinking and practical experience to make yourself better.

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