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Cat's Efficient Growth Lessons | Five Sections Section 1: Personal Growth - Finding the Right Method for Your Growth Section 2: Reading and Writing - Mastering the Underlying Abilities for Efficient Growth Section 3: Wealthy Thinking...

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Welcome to the column "Cat's Effective Growth Lessons"! This is a platform dedicated to helping you achieve personal growth, improve your reading and writing skills, understand wealth thinking, deal with family-of-origin issues and improve intimate relationships. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and practical tips to help you succeed in all aspects of your life. Another column by the author:

Board 1: Personal Growth - Finding the right method and path for your growth

In the Personal Growth section, we'll explore how to accelerate your growth and enhance your quality of life and professional fulfillment through a different mindset. You will learn:

  1. logical thinking: Learn how to make life more organized by thinking logically.
  2. Compound Interest Thinking: Learn how to achieve rapid growth through compound interest thinking.
  3. Screening Thinking: Master the method of selecting the most important tasks.
  4. multifaceted thinking: Learn about the diverse ways of thinking commonly used by smart people.
  5. Long-term thinking: Understand the importance of long-term thinking.
  6. integrated thinking: Mastering the synthesis of effort to become an awesome person.
  7. growth mindset: Learn not to compare yourself to others and focus on your own growth.
  8. cost mindset: Maximize the cost-effective use of time.
  9. Selective thinking: Learn how to make the right choices.

Board 2: Reading and Writing - Mastering the Underlying Skills for Effective Growth

Effective reading and writing are the cornerstones of personal growth. On this board, you will learn:

  1. The Writing Mind: Mastering one of the most important core assets of our future society - writing.
  2. Efficient Reading 1: Basic Edition: Read 100 books a year by two methods.
  3. Effective Reading 2: Advanced Edition: 10 Highly Effective Ways to Take Your Reading to the Next Level.
  4. notes from a book reading: A superb way to take notes on your reading.
  5. Utilities: 6 useful writing apps to improve your writing productivity.

Panel 3: Wealthy Thinking - What You Need to Know Before You Become Rich

Understanding wealth thinking is the key to financial freedom. On this board, you will learn:

  1. A must-see for beginners: Things to keep in mind before achieving wealth freedom.
  2. Prosperity mindset: 6 Mindsets That Will Make You Secretly Rich.
  3. error of judgment: Achieving Wealth Freedom with Compound Interest?
  4. Investment core: A core philosophy of investing that avoids blind folding.
  5. A must-see for those who spend money: How to be a spendthrift.
  6. A must-see for saving money: 10 great tips to save at least a month's paycheck.
  7. A must see for money management: Be a person who is good at taking care of their wealth.
  8. Money Management Methods: 6 ways to manage your money that are useless if you don't know how to do this 996 every day.
  9. Wealth Management Website: 6 superb recommendations for money management websites.
  10. Financial Book List: A list of books that can help you achieve financial freedom.

Plate 4: Family of Origin - About Change, We Always Have a Choice

Family of origin has a profound effect on us, but we can choose to change. On this board, you will learn:

  1. self-awareness: Stop blaming the family of origin and start to awaken yourself.
  2. self-redemption: How to overcome the effects of family of origin.
  3. Efficient growth: To escape from the family of origin and to reinvent oneself.

Panel V: Intimacy - Good Relationships for Life Development

Intimacy is an important part of life. On this board, you will learn:

  1. Confession techniques: How to chase a girl you like.
  2. self-testing: Determine if a relationship is healthy.
  3. Emotional Crisis 1: What to do if you are advised to break up.
  4. Emotional Crisis 2: What to do about personality mismatches.
  5. Emotional Crisis 3: What to do when you feel that your significant other is not good enough.
  6. dry goods secret: A way of thinking about not fighting with your significant other.
  7. Dry Tips 2: What to do when you're in a relationship for the first time and the other person is playing an ambiguous game.
  8. self-analysis: The way a mature boy should look at relationships.
  9. Preserving Love: what good love should look like.
  10. the way we live together: How to make intimate relationships last.

Our column content will continue to be updated and will eventually cover 100 articles to provide you with even more knowledge and practical advice. Follow Cat's Guide to Million Dollar Wealth to start your new growth journey!

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