A way to take notes (formerly Knowledge Assets - completed)official website

Produced by the flomo team, thanks for your support, the physical book is now available, you can buy it by searching for The Way of Notes within Dangdang and Get App. In order to ensure the rights of the founding readers...

A way to take notes (formerly Knowledge Assets - completed)present (sb for a job etc)

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The way to take notes: a guide to help you build your intellectual assets

In modern society, knowledge management has become an important part of everyone's career and personal growth. in August 2022, we decided to recompile the contents of flomo101 into a book in order to help more people take better notes and accumulate their knowledge assets. After a long wait, the book "The Way to Take Notes" has finally been published by Get Books, and can be purchased on all major platforms from now on. Our old rules remain unchanged, and the benefits are placed at the end of the article.

Thank you to our readers and team who have been with us all the way!

Thank you to the more than 6,000 founding readers of Write a Book Live for their support and urging, accompanying us on this long journey. We are also grateful for the help of our professional editorial team, who took great pains to help us sort out the structure and revise the text over and over again. After more than a year, we finally present this book to you.

The Notebook Approach: solutions for your knowledge management

If you feel that you have obviously worked hard, but your progress is limited; in the face of endless new knowledge and concepts, you don't know what to learn; you have collected a lot of articles and taken a lot of notes, but you can't think of them and can't use them; and you've read some articles on "Knowledge Management" and "The Second Brain," but you don't know how to do it, this book is written for you.

Content overview

Ways of Taking Notes is a practical tool that details how to take notes effectively. The book contains:

  • Four system modules
  • Three core approaches
  • Two Bottom-Level Minds
  • 11 specific recommendations
  • More than 40 real-life examples of notes

Whether you are a teacher, lawyer, doctor, HR, civil servant, or Internet operation, product manager, self-media people, entrepreneurs, writers, editors, journalists, every knowledge worker can use this book to find a good way to 'work effectively', so that your notes can be remembered well, found, and used; and so that your future self can use today's notes.

Boundaries and Limitations

Like flomo, we believe that this book has its boundaries and limitations:

  • Focuses on how individuals can manage their knowledge well by taking notes, rather than addressing the knowledge management of an organization or team.
  • Focus on making it 'easy to get started and stick with it' for the average person, rather than serving knowledge mavens or researchers who already have an established system in place.
  • There are no cool tricks, only simple methods; there is no mysterious shortcut to heaven, only a smooth upward growth curve.

The power of real-life examples

The cases in the book are basically real cases from us and our friends. We believe that truth has its own power. We have been through the same confusion, helplessness, discouragement, etc. that you have experienced.

Mr. Wakana's testimonials

When we got a testimonial from Mr. Wakamoto the other day, it spoke to our hearts when he said:

All successful products can't be copied, but Shaonan and Light's thinking can be. Their paths are a great relief - to know that they have arrived in the same situation as you, that they have moved on beyond where you are at the moment. The mere knowledge of these things can give courage and confidence to anyone groping forward on their own.

concluding remarks

I hope this book can be a small lighthouse to help you light up some of the shipping lanes; and I wish you can run to a better version of yourself through small efforts like note-taking.

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