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What is Hotmail mailbox?

Hotmail was one of the world's first free e-mail services, founded in 1996 by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith. Originally named "HoTMaiL", which stands for HTML (HyperText Markup Language), it was the first e-mail system to provide Webmail services.In 1997, Microsoft acquired Hotmail and integrated it into MSN Hotmail. This mailbox is Microsoft, later upgraded to outlook, so the official website will automatically jump to outlook:Outlook Mailbox Login PortalThe

The Evolution of Hotmail to Outlook

In 2007, Microsoft rebranded Hotmail as Windows Live Hotmail and further integrated it in 2013 as, which inherited many of Hotmail's features and was significantly upgraded:

  1. Enhanced Security: With double authentication and advanced encryption, users' emails are more secure.
  2. Larger storage space: Compared to the early days of Hotmail, offers virtually unlimited storage space to meet the growing needs of its users.
  3. Seamless integration: seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft services (e.g., OneDrive, Office Online) to provide a more comprehensive user experience.

Advantages of using Hotmail mailbox

  1. Wide range of compatibility: Hotmail/Outlook can be used on virtually any device, whether it's a PC, tablet or smartphone.
  2. Efficient organizational management: Email sorting, tagging and searching features enable users to manage large volumes of emails efficiently.
  3. Powerful calendar function: The calendar feature that seamlessly integrates with email helps users better manage their time and tasks.

How to create a Hotmail email account

  1. Visit the registration page: Go to the signup page.
  2. Fill in the information: Enter basic information such as name, date of birth, and gender.
  3. Select e-mail address: Choose a unique e-mail address (
  4. Setting a password: Choose a strong password and make sure you remember it.
  5. verify sb's identity: Follow the prompts for authentication, which usually includes cell phone number verification.
  6. Complete Registration: After completing all the steps, you can start using your Hotmail mailbox.

Hotmail Features

1. Easy-to-use interface

Hotmail mailbox is known for its simple and intuitive user interface. Users can easily manage their emails including inbox, outbox, drafts and more. In addition, Hotmail offers rich themes and customization options, allowing users to set up their mailbox interface according to their preferences.

2. Security is one of the highlights of Hotmail. Microsoft provides powerful anti-spam and anti-virus functions for Hotmail mailbox. Through intelligent screening and detection, Hotmail is able to effectively filter spam and potential threats and protect users' privacy and data security.

3.Hotmail mailbox provides large capacity storage space, users don't need to worry about storing emails and attachments. With Microsoft's continuous upgrading and improvement, Hotmail's storage capacity is also increasing to meet the growing needs of users.

4. Hotmail supports a wide range of devices and platforms, including PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets. Users can access Hotmail through a browser or manage it using the Outlook application. This cross-platform compatibility allows users to access and manage their email anytime, anywhere.

reach a verdict

Hotmail mailboxes have played an important role in the development of Internet mail services. Although now integrated as, Hotmail's influence still cannot be ignored. Whether it's the innovative features in the early days or the powerful integrated services today, Hotmail/Outlook is still one of the preferred email service platforms for users around the world.

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