Transformer Last Mileofficial website

Dong Dong Can, a senior expert in the field of AI algorithm, is committed to helping his buddies get started with AI technology quickly. As the main manager of the public number "Dong Dong Can is a city lion", he is deeply committed to the research and practice of AI algorithms, sharing the latest technical developments and practical experience.

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Author's Profile

Dong Dong Can, a senior expert in the field of AI algorithm, is committed to helping his buddies get started with AI technology quickly. As the main manager of the public number "Dong Dong Can is a city lion", he is deeply committed to the research and practice of AI algorithms, sharing the latest technical developments and practical experience.

Column Background

In the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence, Transformer-based big models have become the top stream technology in AI. This architecture can not only deal with text, but also with speech and images, and is widely used and effective. Whether it is the domestic Xunfei Starfire, Baidu Wenxin Yiyin, or foreign GPT-4, LLaMa series, are all based on the results of the Transformer architecture. It can be said that the Transformer architecture is the core of the current big model.

Column content

The Transformer Last Mile column is designed to explain the background and algorithmic techniques of the Transformer system from the ground up, to help you fully understand the technical points of the architecture and to reveal why it is at the heart of big models. Content Covered:

  1. Background: Details the origins and development of the Transformer architecture.
  2. algorithmic analysis: A step-by-step breakdown of Transformer's technical details and implementation principles.
  3. real-world example: A large number of usage examples and code demonstrations are provided in conjunction with existing large models.

In addition, the column will also take you to experience a variety of big model applications, including the use of web version, Python code call interface and so on, so that you can experience the charm of big model in the learning process.

Renewal Program

  • Project creation and writing: The column was set up on May 06, 2024 and is expected to start pushing articles on May 07, 2024.
  • Update Frequency: Update 4 articles per week and plan to continue for 3 to 6 months.
  • code hosting: All the code involved will be made public and tentatively hosted on Gitee.

Internal Test Information

The column is currently in the internal beta phase, priced at $59.90 (with first available spots) and $129 at the end of the internal beta. The internal test phase buyers can read for free for life. During the period of internal testing does not pull groups, there are questions can be directly with the author to communicate exchanges.

Related resources

After subscribing to the column, you can first study Dong Dong Chan's previous "AI Vision Introductory Column", a total of 100+ articles, detailing common algorithms and deep learning basics of AI vision, and laying a solid foundation for learning the Transformer column.

concluding remarks

The importance of the Transformer architecture as a core technology for big models cannot be overstated. With the Transformer Last Mile column, you will thoroughly master the technical details and application methods of this architecture, adding new momentum to your AI technology path. Subscribe now to start your Transformer learning journey!

Remarks: Please do not rush the work during the internal testing period, thanks for your understanding and support.

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