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The Little Newsboy Commercialization-Making Money Casebook, a professional column dedicated to helping you achieve business success in the areas of side hustles, paid content, light entrepreneurship, and private domains. If you are looking for reliable money-making cases and practical guidance, this column will be your no...

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Welcome to Little Newspaper Boy Commercialization - Money Making Casebook, a professional column dedicated to helping you achieve business success in the areas of side hustles, paid content, light entrepreneurship, private domains, and more. If you are looking for reliable money-making cases and practical guidance, this column will be a treasure you can't miss. Another column by the author

Why choose Small Newspaper Boy Commercialization - Money Making Casebook?

1. Selected library of 108 money-making cases

由知名内容创作者IDO老徐手工精选的108个「付费专栏赚钱案例库」,涵盖了多个成功的付费专栏案例。这些案例总结了各自的亮点和问题,帮助你快速学习和精准模仿,避免掉进割韭菜的陷阱。更多商业化·赚钱案例库专栏,请访问Navigating the Little Newspaper BoyThe

2. Diagnosis of professional problems

Lao Xu wrote a 14-dimension problem diagnosis based on these cases, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each case in detail and providing practical suggestions for improvement. By taking care of these 14 problems, there is a high probability that your paid column will be successful.

3. Negative case analysis

To help you avoid common mistakes, Lao Xu has also written a dozen counter-case studies. If you feel dissatisfied with too few paying subscribers to your column, these counter-cases may provide you with valuable insights.

Subscription Offers

Originally priced at $168, this column is now available for a limited time for only $19.99 (one subscription, permanent access). Once it reaches 5,000 subscribers, the price will increase to $25.55. Take advantage of this opportunity to join The Little Newspaper Boy Commercialization-Making Money Casebook for your side hustle and entrepreneurial journey.

About IDO Lao Xu

I'm IDO Lao Xu, a post-80s workplace professional and side hustle expert. Through 10 years of writing short articles on daily shifts, I have accumulated rich experience and own 5 public numbers with a total of 10W+ readers. As a former programmer and now a department Leader of a listed company, I have explored and practiced the compounding commercialization of one-person enterprises, especially on Knowledge Planet and Little Newspaper Boy platforms.

I am settled in Shenzhen and am passionate about sharing and helping more people succeed in side hustles and light entrepreneurship. I hope to provide you with practical guidance and inspiration through the column "Small Newspaper Boy Commercialization - Money Making Casebook".

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Don't miss out on this limited time offer, subscribe to the Little Newspaper Boy Commercialization - Money Making Casebook today and start your money making journey!

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