The Complete Freelancing 0-100w Guideofficial website

The Complete 0-100w Guide to Freelancing, a tabloid column crafted by Lixin Zhao, a former product manager at a major manufacturer, is dedicated to helping every aspiring freelance careerist make the leap from 0 to 1 million.

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Welcome to The Complete 0-100w Guide to Freelancing, a tabloid column crafted by former big-time product manager Lixin Zhao, dedicated to helping every aspiring freelance jobholder make the leap from 0 to 1 million.

Author's Profile

Zhao Lixin, former product manager of a large factory, quit his job and freelanced for 2 years. Through half a year to achieve income parity, 4 years after graduation monthly income reached six figures. He specializes in helping working people to complete workplace transformation, IP building, and successfully step into the new world of freelancing.

Overview of the content of the column

The Complete 0-100w Guide to Freelancing consists of 10 core columns, each of which delves into the key elements of freelancing from a different perspective:

  1. Basic issues of freelancing: Explore the basic concepts and common queries of freelancing to help you clarify the definition and prospects of freelancing.
  2. Business Model: Introducing a variety of viable freelancing business models to help you find the right way to monetize your business.
  3. Resignation and transition: A detailed explanation of how to make a smooth transition from the traditional workplace to freelancing, with practical advice on quitting your job and making the transition.
  4. The Heart of the Matter: Share how to keep your mind balanced during freelancing and improve your mental fitness to cope with various challenges.
  5. Positioning and Common Approaches: Teach you how to find your niche in freelancing and choose the right career direction and approach.
  6. Traffic self-publishing chapter: Reveals how to use self-publishing to drive traffic to yourself and boost your personal brand presence.
  7. Products: Explain product design and development techniques in freelancing to help you build quality products and services.
  8. Conversion chapter: Shares methods and techniques to improve customer conversion rates and help you turn leads into actual revenue.
  9. Time Management: Provides essential time management tips for freelancers to improve productivity and quality of life.
  10. Frequently Asked Questions: Aggregate common questions and answers about the freelancing process and provide timely and effective solutions.

Prices and offers

The Complete 0-100w Guide to Freelancing was originally priced at $2,000, but now you can buy it for just $14. The price will go up for every 1,000 additional subscribers, so now is the perfect time to get your hands on it.

Join the exclusive Knowledge Planet

After purchasing the column, check out the top post to join the exclusive Knowledge Planet. Here, you'll share your daily freelancing 0-100w experience with Lixin Zhao and other freelancers for more hands-on tips and growth opportunities.

SEO Optimization Tips

  1. Keyword Optimization: Frequent mentions of core keywords like "freelancing", "0-100w", "workplace transformation", "IP building", etc. in articles to boost search engine friendliness The core keywords such as "freelancing", "0-100w", "workplace transformation", "IP creation", etc. are frequently mentioned in the articles to enhance the search engine friendliness.
  2. Content originality: All content is original, ensuring high quality and authority.
  3. clear-cut structure: Use of paragraphs and subheadings to improve readability and user experience.
  4. external link (on website): It is recommended to add a link to the purchase page of The Complete 0-100w Guide to Freelancing in your publishing platform to increase visits and conversions.
  5. Multimedia Optimization: It is recommended that the text be accompanied by multimedia content, such as relevant images and videos, to enhance the visual effect and communication of information.

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