Online video with text watermarking tool - Xunjie Videoofficial website

Add text watermark to video online, can add Chinese text watermark and English text watermark to video files.

Online video with text watermarking tool - Xunjie Videopresent (sb for a job etc)

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Swift Video: Easily add text watermarks for more personalized sharing

In our age of social media, sharing videos has become an integral part of life, whether it's documenting moments of your travels or showcasing your creative work, the right video watermark can make those shares even more unique and professional. Recently, I discovered a handy website - Swift Video - that is definitely worth checking out.

Easy to use, add watermarks anytime, anywhere!

The best thing about Swift Video is its online operation. Just visit their official website ( and you can upload videos directly without downloading any software. This is a great blessing for lazy people like me! In almost seconds, I can easily put the desired video on the webpage. After uploading, I can choose the text I want at will, set the font, color and style, just like using a large image processing software, simple and intuitive.

For example, last weekend my friends and I went to the beach and I recorded a great surfing video. To personalize it, I added a watermark in the corner of the video that said "Surf Paradise" to make it a little more interesting for my friends. As a result, when I posted the video on social media, the number of likes and comments immediately doubled, and there were even private messages from friends asking me where I took the video. This small watermark had an unexpected effect!

Free editing to meet various needs

Another thing that particularly surprised me about Swift Video was its editing capabilities. In addition to the ability to add text watermarks, the platform also supports a variety of text editing. I can control the size, transparency and even the position of the text, and if I want to make the watermark "invisible", that's no problem at all. This flexibility allows me not only to leave my mark on the video, but also to ensure that it does not affect the viewability of the main content.

Imagine if you are a photographer or video creator, adding a clear watermark when posting your work online protects your copyright and prevents your work from being stolen at will. I have the impression that Swift Video is not only a tool, but also a good helper to protect the rights of creators.

Efficient and smooth user experience

I would also like to emphasize that I was also satisfied with the processing speed of Swift Video. Usually it takes a bit of time to upload and process a video, but on this site I don't have to wait too long for it to download as soon as it's processed. This is a huge plus for users like me, who often want to "get it over with".

Of course, if you also want to add a bit of unique style to your videos, Swift Video is definitely worth a try. In my experience, its simplicity and efficiency make it easy for even techies to get started. And, although I love shooting and making videos, I'm definitely not a professional, however, the quality of my work has clearly improved a lot after using this tool.

Anyway, if you are also looking for an online tool to add text watermarks quickly, Swift Video is certainly a smart choice. Give it a try, and maybe you'll find that there's much more to it than that!

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