QuuBeofficial website

It belongs to Qoo10, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Singapore.

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QuuBe is a B2B e-commerce platform owned by Qoo10 Singapore, founded in 2019. As one of the mainstream e-commerce platforms in Singapore, QuuBe has a stable share in the Southeast Asian market. This platform provides a rich variety of products and diverse shopping methods to meet all kinds of shopping needs of consumers, and also provides a platform for merchants to sell their products to the world.

QuuBe's service features include API order linkage, superior delivery service with 99% arrival rate, HSCODE single product code registration, price advantage, and customs declaration service support. These features give QuuBe a unique advantage in the highly competitive e-commerce market.

In terms of daily shopping, QuuBe offers a wide range of products, whether it's clothing, daily necessities or electronic products, users can find their favorite products. quuBe also provides group and seconds shopping, as well as the online auction function, to satisfy the user's needs for scarce goods.

QuuBe's advantages are also reflected in its functional highlights: QuuBe has its own logistics and distribution company, which can provide merchants with convenient logistics solutions; QuuBe has a diverse clientele, attracting consumers from different countries and regions; QuuBe offers a variety of payment methods to facilitate consumers' shopping; and QuuBe provides a wealth of marketing tools to help merchants increase their sales.

QuuBe, as a comprehensive B2B e-commerce platform, provides consumers and merchants with a reliable online shopping and sales platform by virtue of its rich product assortment, convenient shopping methods, high-quality logistic services and diverse marketing tools.

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