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Amazon Australia is an online shopping platform set up by the world-renowned e-commerce company in the Australian region. The site was launched in December 2017 and quickly attracted many sellers, providing Australian consumers with a rich selection of goods and a convenient shopping experience.

Amazon Australia's platform has obvious advantages. China ranks first in terms of merchandise imports, which enables Chinese sellers to sell their products to Australian consumers through Amazon Australia. Australia's cross-border consumption rate is the first in the world, with more than 80% Australian consumers preferring to buy goods through cross-border e-commerce, which provides a broad market for sellers. The Australian e-commerce market continues to grow, expanding at a double-digit annual growth rate, which means that Amazon Australia, as the core platform, will continue to usher in more business and development opportunities.

Hot merchandise categories on Amazon Australia include clothing, bags, 3C electronics, bedding, mother and baby products and toys. Amazon Australia also opens up dozens of merchandise categories to sellers, which can be sold without approval, providing sellers with a greater range of options and flexibility.

For sellers who wish to sell their goods on Amazon Australia, they can choose from two selling plans: the Personal Selling Plan or the Professional Selling Plan. Regardless of which plan you choose, you will need to complete the registration process, which includes steps such as authenticating your identity, preparing for registration, creating an account, and managing your store using the seller platform.

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