Bob Shopofficial website

An online e-commerce platform based on the Internet auction model in South Africa.

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非洲网站:Bob Shop (官网地址

Bob Shop,原名Bidorbuy或,总部位于南非约翰内斯堡。Bidorbuy(Bob Shop)由 Andy Higgins 于 1999 年 8月在南非首次推出。2005 年后,南非采用了宽带,提供始终在线的互联网接入,为 的发展提供了机遇。此后, 成为南非最大的在线市场。2010年,它投资了当地在线支付解决方案公司,发展线上支付。于2022年8月与uAfrica正式合并,2023 年 3 月,uAfrica 更名为 Bob Go,Bidorbuy 更名为 Bob Shop。更名之后该网站仍将以同样的方式运营,提供在线购买和拍卖服务。

在过去 23 年里,Bidorbuy 已发展成为一个全国性的买家和卖家社区,平台涵盖数百万件商品,在南非电商行业处于领先地位。


Bob Shop

BobShop在Bidorbuy的基础上进一步发展扩大,Bob Shop主要销售产品有电子产品、收藏品、家具用品、园艺用品、服饰美妆、书籍、珠宝等。Bob Shop基本遵循eBay 的商业模式,它是一个在线拍卖网站和市场,用户、买家和卖家都可以在其中相互交易。任何商家和个人只要遵循网站的基本要求和条款都可以在该网站上进行交易。

BobShop不仅能使大型商家在南非打开市场,也可以使小型零售商甚至业余爱好卖家能够被更多的潜在客户看到。对于买家来说,此类网站也提供了一个以折扣价购买商品、二手商品或收藏品的平台,完美实现电商购物和电子拍卖的结合。作为南非经验最丰富的市场,每天 24 小时开放交易,BobShop可以拓展卖家的业务并向超过 200 万客户在线销售。BobShop平台拥有良好的发展前景,对于企业以及个人卖家来说都是一个进军南非市场的绝佳机会。


任何卖家和年满18岁的个人只要遵循平台的条款与相关规定都可以在BobShop上开设在线商店。并且卖家可以在Bob Shop 上出售任何合法产品,包括但不限于:收藏品、电子产品、玩具、婴儿用品等。


Bob Shop







1.卖家可以直接从 Bob Shop 预订货件并打印运单,无需注册或开设帐户。可以从以下快递公司中进行选择:The Courier Guy、Internet Express、RAM 和 SkyNet。


登录用户的 Bob Shop 帐户,然后选择卖家工具部分下的运输设置。卖家可以针对每个商品的包裹类型从官网给定的预定义包裹类型列表中进行选择,以使运输更快、更轻松:

Bob Shop




Bob Shop


在 Bob Shop 上列出商品是免费的,卖家只需为销售订单支付佣金(成功费)以及最终订单费用,以及要为可选增强功能付费。


Bob Shop

2.最终订单费用:最终订单价值费用按商品销售价值与最终订单价值(包括运费、保险费和买方支付的任何其他款项)之间的差额收取 75%(不含增值税)。

3.增强费用:增强功能可帮助卖家提高其在 Bob Shop 上的知名度,以更好地宣传其商品。无论物品是否出售,都会收取增强费。根据物品是否挂牌出售(以拍卖或立即购买的形式),适用不同的增强费。


Bob Shop


Bidorbuy 运营支付系统作为用户可选的附加服务,以加快买家和卖家之间的付款接收速度,并协助卖家核对从买家处收到的付款。该支付服务称为 BobPay,包括通过信用卡和电子转帐进行支付。许多较小的卖家本身无法获得信用卡商户帐户的资格,因此可以选择使用内置的 Bidorbuy 支付系统。


Bob Shop帮助中心:访问

Bob Shop 物流设置教学视频:访问

Bob Shop 卖家评分规则:评分规则







增强列表可提高商品在 Bob Shop 上的可见度,从而帮助您推广商品,可以根据需求选择不同增强服务。


可以利用Bob Shop 提供的多种运输选项。


一旦购物者将款项存入卖家的 Bob Shop 帐户,卖家就可以发货,然后将钱留在卖家的 Bob Shop 帐户中或通过付款请求将其转入商家的银行帐户。




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Central Africa's largest "KiKUU, Central Africa's largest online service platform", KiKUU is Africa's leading cross-border e-commerce platform, headquartered in Hangzhou. The company has an independent logistics supply chain and a larger domestic e-commerce warehousing capacity, and has created a new cross-border e-commerce business model in Africa through online client marketing. Founded in 2015, Jiku is dedicated to helping Chinese sellers conduct B2B and B2C business for Africa. At present, the company has established logistics and distribution centers in many countries, including Ghana, South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroon, Rwanda, DRC, Congo (Brazzaville), Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Ethiopia, Gabon, etc., and provides local currency collection and cross-border payback services. Service Advantage: Business Guarantee: We have stable, reliable and low-priced logistics trunk lines, and provide inexpensive and high-quality "last-mile" delivery services through our own logistics warehouse and distribution team. The company's core team members come from Alibaba and Jingdong, with rich experience in the e-commerce industry, to ensure the stable and rapid development of the business. Cross-border stores: one-click release of goods, covering 16 countries at the same time, Chinese system is easy to operate. High-quality logistics services: We provide special air transportation lines between China and Africa and our own local logistics team in Africa, providing reliable "last-mile" delivery solutions for each parcel. Flexible Settlement Cycle: Adopting real-time settlement mode, order settlement can be completed 48 hours after receiving shipment from Guangzhou warehouse, which alleviates merchants' payback problems in cross-border e-commerce.FBK Store: Self-built overseas warehouses covering 7 countries, including Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon, DRC, Rwanda, and Senegal, and providing overseas merchants with substitute shipment services. Logistics coverage: covering 29 countries in Central Africa, with self-built distribution centers, providing local collection, dispatch and overseas warehousing services. Safe Payment: With hundreds of millions of acquiring scale and millions of acquiring pens, we adopt famous third party payment organizations to ensure the safety and stability of payment. Marketing support:Combining the local offline media resources and online resources in Africa, we carry out all-round marketing promotion. A team of professional optimizers provides customized enterprise solutions and transparent and open data. Merchant Growth Program:Tibco also offers a merchant growth program that provides new merchants with traffic resources, training courses, and support strategies to help them increase their transaction volume and revenue as quickly as possible. Exclusive services: The company also provides exclusive services, equipping merchants with operation service specialists to provide fast and efficient help and guidance. Entry requirements: 1. personal and business qualifications can be entered; 2. not limited to commodity categories, inexpensive can be; 3. cross-border platform sales experience, priority entry; 4. own or cooperate with factories, timely delivery; Entry process: 1. registration and certification 2. platform audit 3. create a store and again the platform audit 4. the whole process usually takes 3-6 working days Development stage: 2015: KiKUU 1.0 on line, Central Africa online platform, open the whole chain; 2016: open 6 countries site, set up logistics system, realize the last kilometer delivery overseas; 2017: open Guangzhou collection and forwarding warehouse, overseas market, customer service and logistics team, Black Friday month year-on-year growth of 500%; 2018: the number of registered users exceeded 2 million, GMV year-on-year growth of 5 times, Ghana and Tanzania to establish overseas warehouses; 2019: the number of registered users exceeded 5 million, 10 million parcels were delivered throughout the year, and full delivery was realized in many countries; 2020: the number of registered users exceeded 10 million, 16 country sites were opened, and overseas warehouses were opened in 7 countries; it was awarded the title of Zhejiang cross-border e-commerce overseas cooperation site and national high-tech enterprise; 2021: the number of registered users exceeded In 2021: the number of registered users exceeds 10 million, and 18 million parcels will be delivered annually. Merchant problem feedback process: First, the problem feedback center entrance two, click on the new problem three, start feedback problem, select the appropriate problem type and problem content, fill in the description, upload pictures Problem types: cancel the order select order problems; logistics-related select logistics problems (such as the warehouse did not receive the pieces, no master pieces and abnormal pieces claimed, the order of the commodity weight-related, order logistics status abnormalities, etc.); modify bank Information, payment problems select financial issues; after-sales questions select after-sales issues; commodity audit, commodity modification of goods store to select commodity issues; no relevant types of problems to select other issues (such as epidemics overtime fines for reasons of return) Note: Attachment function, if the problem is described more than one, can be organized in the table to upload attachments. Fourth, click submit, complete the problem feedback fifth, view the problem that has been feedback to resolve the status of select all, check off the option to view only the unanswered. Frequently Asked Questions: 1. What are the requirements for filling in bank information? When filling in the bank information, you need to fill in the correct bank and branch information. (**Bank **Branch) 2. How to modify the payee information? If you need to modify the payee, and the payee is not the same as the registrant, you need to provide the original letter of attorney for the receipt of funds and a copy of the ID card of both parties, and the platform will process the change of the payee account within 1-3 working days after receiving the information. (The power of attorney is attached.) 3.After registering the account information, you can't automatically jump to the second step to fill in the merchant information, and when you re-register, it shows that the mailbox already exists? Login to点击商家登录, fill in the registered e-mail (user name) and password to login for the second step to fill in the merchant information. Functional HighlightsMany ProductsGlobal DeliverySecure PaymentRest assured shoppingOnline ChatMillions of products to choose from, continuous promotionsPersonalized products. Online Service Platform

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