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A Japanese online shopping mall for fashionable and trendy branded apparel.

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ZOZOTOWN is a Japanese and Korean online shopping mall for fashionable and trendy branded apparel established in 2004. It set up its website in Japan on December 15, 2004 and gradually won the recognition of consumers and grew to be the largest fashion apparel shopping website in Japan.

ZOZOTOWN, a subsidiary of Japan START TODAY Co., Ltd, sells men's, women's and children's apparel online from a number of well-known brands, such as Journal Standard, Green label relaxing, Hare, etc. ZOZOTOWN is the largest fashion apparel shopping site in Japan. Currently, ZOZOTOWN has more than 3 million registered members, with an annual sales volume of 3.8 million items, offering products from 1,555 brands, ranking the top of similar fashion and apparel shopping sites in Japan. The official website supports JCB card well.

One of the features of the ZOZOTOWN platform is the unique inbound model, which requires inbound merchandise to be re-sized according to a uniform standard. This means that users who buy hip brands from ZOZOTOWN do not need to measure the difference in sizes between brands on their own, thus enhancing the consumer experience. Users only need to adapt to ZOZOTOWN's sizing standards, forming a kind of user stickiness.

Since its establishment in 2004, ZOZOTOWN has become the largest fashion apparel shopping site in Japan. The number of registered members exceeds 3 million, and the number of sales reaches 3.8 million pieces a year with 1,555 brands. The number of brands is leading among similar websites in Japan and has attracted many famous clothing brands, such as UNITED ARROWS, Nano universe, BEAMS, JOURNAL STANDARD, A BATHING APE, etc., as well as being widely welcomed by young people in Japan.

ZOZOTOWN, as an online shopping mall of Japanese and Korean fashionable and trendy branded apparel, has attracted a large number of consumers with its unique entry mode and rich brand selection. Its success cannot be separated from its ever-improving consumer experience and wide user recognition. Whether it is young people pursuing fashion trends or consumers who like to buy famous brands, they can find their favorite products in ZOZOTOWN.

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