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Southeast Asian fintech companies

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Akulaku is a leading consumer finance platform in Southeast Asia dedicated to providing world-class financial services. As an integrated platform, Akulaku provides partners and consumers with access to a broad and robust financial ecosystem to achieve a higher standard of living.

AKULAKU is a Southeast Asian fintech company with operations in Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Europe.Akulaku helps meet the everyday financial needs of underserved customers in emerging markets through e-commerce, consumer finance, digital banking, online investment, and insurance brokerage services.

In addition to Akulaku e-commerce products, the company also operates Asetku, an online wealth management platform, and Neo+, a mobile digital banking app powered by Bank Neo Commerce.

Akulaku is a consumer finance and e-commerce platform that operates on a combination of direct and third-party on-boarding models, and is strategically positioned to provide credit for consumer, short-term loans and cash installment usage scenarios.

Qualification: A leading fintech and e-commerce company in Southeast Asia, with Multi-finance license, Trading License, Marketplace license in Indonesia, Lending License, Remittance License, Financing License, etc. in the Philippines. In addition, the company holds Lending License, Remittance License, and Financing License in the Philippines.

Akulaku product services include Loans and Akucicil.Loans offer unsecured loans of up to 15 months with a simple application process and funds are transferred directly to your bank account. Quick approval and easy access; flexible loan amount up to 15 million; free choice of loan tenure up to 15 months; secure fund disbursement process; registered with OJK (Indonesia's financial services regulator) to ensure information security.Akucicil is an installment shopping service provided by Akulaku to meet the user's shopping needs in many cases, without the need of a credit card to Easy Shopping. Online installment without credit card; Maximum installment period is 15 months; Maximum credit limit is 15 million; Only 5 minutes verification is required.

Akulaku service features include Loan Service: Akulaku offers unsecured loans that can help users get the money they need quickly. Applying for a loan is very easy and requires only basic information such as identification documents. The loan amount is up to Rp 15 million and the loan term can be chosen according to individual needs, up to 15 months. Installment Shopping: Akulaku's installment shopping service is called Akucicil, which allows users to make purchases on various online marketplaces and enjoy the convenience of paying in installments. Users do not need a credit card and can obtain a shopping credit line of up to Rp 15 million by simply verifying through the Akulaku platform. The maximum installment period is 15 months. Safe and Secure: Akulaku utilizes leading security technologies to safeguard user data and transactions. The platform has completed registration with OJK (Indonesia's financial services regulator) and is subject to regulation and supervision. Wide Coverage: Akulaku has covered all regions of Indonesia, especially providing services in Jakarta-Bodo Padang (Jabodetabek), Bandung, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Medan, Padang, and Jumbo Harbor.

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