Idealoofficial website

Germany's largest price comparison site

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Idealo is Germany's largest price comparison website, founded in 2000 and based in Germany. The site not only provides price comparisons of products from various e-commerce sites, but also compares travel tickets, hotels and car rentals, etc. Idealo is recognized by Germans as the best price comparison site, allowing users to compare the features and prices of internationally renowned brands of cell phones and other consumer electronics. There is also an APP platform, Idealo, where you can also scan the barcode and refer to the online price when purchasing goods in physical stores. It also provides information on deals and discounts on various famous brands of electrical and home appliances.

Idealo's business areas include hot deals and discounts to fulfill consumers' online shopping and money saving needs. It offers online shopping products with price comparison services and at prices that are a good alternative compared to other apps.

For merchants, Idealo offers an easy-to-use registration process. Sell successfully with Idealo in just 3 steps: create an account now for free; enter your contact and store information; and complete your store registration. After submitting your registration, your store will be checked by Idealo. After a successful inspection of your store, you will receive an email with instructions on how to technically connect your products to Idealo.

Idealo has a large user base and a rich merchandise resource. Currently, 10 million users visit the site every month, and the number of online products reaches 2.2 million. There are also 54,000 satisfied merchants selling goods on the platform. Every day, 500,000 active users use Idealo to shop. According to statistics, the average conversion rate per user on the site is 42%.

In terms of fees, Idealo has neither listing listing fees nor sales commissions. The only fee is the PPC advertising fee. After a potential consumer clicks on a product listed on Idealo's platform and goes to the product page to browse it, the seller needs to pay for the advertisement. The PPC cost for the UK region is £0.24. Other countries use different rates and may vary between products in different categories. Therefore, sellers need to check what kind of PPC cost they need to pay for their products.

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