SHEINofficial website

Founded in 2012, SHEIN is the world's leading online fashion retailer, currently directly serving consumers in over 150 countries and regions around the world, and has been the most downloaded e-commerce app for 2023 consecutive years, with sales growth far outpacing the market and accelerating merchant sales in the last 5 years.

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SHEIN is a European online fashion retailer founded in 2012 that reaches consumers in over 150 countries worldwide. The site, which reigned as the most downloaded e-commerce app of the year in 2023, has seen sales growth far exceed the market over the last five years, resulting in a huge climb in sales for merchants.

SHEIN's success is due to its unique Seller-Owned and Fully Managed models. The seller-owned model allows sellers to manage their own stores, including product shelving, order processing and customer service. This model provides sellers with greater freedom and flexibility, allowing them to better fulfill their customers' needs.

The fully managed model, on the other hand, is where SHEIN is responsible for managing and operating the store and the seller is only responsible for supplying the merchandise. This model provides greater convenience for sellers, allowing them to focus on the production and sale of goods without having to worry about the management and operation of the store.

SHEIN, a leading global online fashion retailer, offers consumers a rich and diverse selection of merchandise and generates tremendous sales growth for merchants with its unique seller-owned and fully managed model. If you are interested in online shopping, why not visit the official website of SHEIN ( for more information?

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