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Google Sites: GMC Commodity Data Specifications

The Google Merchandise Data Specification (GMC) is a set of merchandise information standards for merchants designed to help them better display their merchandise on the Google platform. The specification covers requirements for product titles, descriptions, images, and more to ensure that consumers have access to accurate and comprehensive product information.

The title is the first thing consumers see when searching for a product, so it needs to describe the main features of the product in a clear and concise manner. If it's a sneaker, the title could be "Nike Air Max 270 React Flyknit Sneakers". Avoid extraneous words and symbols that may cause problems for consumers.

The product description should detail the material, size, color and other information of the product so that consumers can understand the specifics of the product. In the description, you can use some keywords to improve the search ranking, but be careful not to pile up keywords so as not to affect the reading experience. The product description should also contain some promotional information, such as discounts, coupons, etc., to attract consumers to buy.

Once again, pictures of goods are an important way for consumers to understand the appearance of goods, so you need to provide high-quality pictures. Pictures should clearly and realistically show the appearance and details of the goods, avoiding the use of overly exaggerated or blurred pictures. Multiple pictures can also be provided to show the goods from different angles, so that consumers can have a more comprehensive understanding of the goods.

In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of product information, merchants need to update their product data on a regular basis. This includes checking that item titles, descriptions, and images match reality, as well as making timely adjustments to pricing and inventory information. By following the GMC specification, merchants can improve the ranking of their products in Google searches, thus attracting more potential customers.

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