Google Ads Policyofficial website

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Welcome to the Google Ads Center! Here you can find detailed information about the policies of Google Ads, an advertising service provided by Google that helps advertisers display their ads on Google's search results pages.

Let's understand what a Google Ads Policy is. Simply put, Google Ads Policy is a set of regulations designed to ensure that all users of Google Ads services adhere to the principles of fairness, transparency and honesty. These principles include not misleading users, not abusing the system, and not posting illegal or offending content.

According to the Google Ads policy, advertisers must comply with several rules:
1. No false or misleading information shall be published. Advertisers shall not exaggerate the effects of products or services in their advertisements, nor shall they conceal important information relating to products or services.
2. No abuse of the system. Advertisers shall not use automated tools for mass submission of advertisements, nor shall they maliciously click on competitors' advertisements.
3. 不得发布违法或违规内容。广告主不得在广告中宣传pron、暴力或Gambling等内容。

Google also provides tools and resources to help advertisers better comply with Google Ads policies.Google provides detailed help documents that answer a variety of questions about how to create and place ads.Google also has a dedicated customer support team that is always available to help and support advertisers.

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