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One-stop global money management platform - Qbit Qbit Exchange

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Qbit趣比汇是一家虚拟信用卡网站,它于2019年创立,旨在为全球企业提供一站式海外资金管理服务。作为一家Neobank,Qbit拥有全球账户、“量子”虚拟卡、BaaS、奇点融等核心产品及海外公司注册、上下游生态资源对接等增值服务。听说Divvy虚拟卡平台也不错,入口:Divvy Virtual Card

By building a digital cross-border payment and financial infrastructure, Qbit helps enterprises realize more timely and lower-cost global payment and financial management, and easily achieve global business expansion and growth. Currently, Qbit has completed its $10 million Series A funding round invested by Zhenge Capital, and serves more than 12,000 branded overseas enterprises.

We have localized service centers in 5 cities around the world and have entered into strategic partnerships with many well-known banks and financial institutions around the world. These partnerships help Qbit provide customers with more convenient and secure services.

Qbit Qbit Exchange is a trusted virtual credit card website that is dedicated to providing quality overseas money management services to businesses around the world. If you are looking for a company that can help you with your global business expansion and growth, then Qbit is definitely worth checking out.

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