Jingdong International Logisticsofficial website

Supply Chain Solutions and International Logistics Service Provider

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Jingdong International Logistics is a company that provides supply chain solutions and international logistics services. It is committed to providing customers with efficient, safe and reliable logistics services to help customers reduce costs and improve efficiency. International cross-border parcel, cross-border integrated service provider platform:

With extensive logistics experience and expertise, BOCOM International Logistics is able to provide customized logistics solutions to its customers. It has established an extensive logistics network by partnering with logistics companies around the world and is able to provide customers with logistics services on a global scale.

Jingdong International Logistics also provides a variety of value-added services, including warehouse management, distribution services and customs clearance services. These services can help customers better manage inventory, improve distribution efficiency and reduce customs clearance risks.

Jingdong International Logistics is a professional supply chain solution and international logistics service provider. It is committed to providing customers with high-quality and efficient logistics services through continuous innovation and service optimization. If you need international logistics service, you may consider choosing Jingdong International Logistics. It will be your trustworthy partner.

For more information about Jingdong International Logistics, you can visit its official website www.jdl.com. There, you can learn more about Jingdong International Logistics' services, advantages, and case studies. You are welcome to visit and consult anytime!

We hope this article can help you better understand Jingdong International Logistics (official website address: www.jdl.com). If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you!

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