Keyword Discoveryofficial website

Search Term Suggestion Tool, SEO Analytics Essentials Toolkit

Keyword Discoverypresent (sb for a job etc)

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Keyword Discovery is a powerful search engine optimization tool with a large database of search terms and advanced search features to accurately estimate keyword searches and provide competitive intelligence. This tool is perfect for SEO experts and digital marketers, website owners and content creators, digital advertising agencies, market researchers, and businesses and brands.

With Keyword Discovery, you can conduct keyword research to find out the popular search terms used by users on search engines to optimize your website content and improve your ranking in search results. It also analyzes keyword popularity and competition, helping you find highly popular keywords with low competition.

Keyword Discovery also offers a misspelling research feature that can help you discover possible user misspellings or variations of keywords to gain a competitive advantage in ad placement or search engine optimization. The Seasonal Search Trends feature allows you to see how the popularity of specific keywords changes from season to season or over a specific period of time, helping you to predict and plan your marketing campaigns.

Regarding pricing, Keyword Discovery is available in three levels: Standard, Professional and Enterprise subscriptions. Each level of subscription may vary based on features, services, and access. Enterprise subscriptions provide more advanced API access for users who require extensive access and custom integrations.

Whether you're looking to improve your website rankings, develop a marketing strategy, or understand market needs and competitive dynamics, Keyword Discovery provides valuable data and insights to help you succeed in the digital space.

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