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Browser extensions for proper search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, competitor research, pay-per-click advertising (PPC) and social media marketing

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Keywords Everywhere是一款非常便捷的浏览器扩展程序,特别适用于搜索引擎优化(SEO)和关键字研究。它的独特之处在于能够直接在浏览器中为你提供关键字数据,而无需跳转到其他工具或网站。通过与Google、Bing、YouTube、DuckDuckGo等多个来源合作,它可以提供高质量、准确的搜索量数据。

With Keywords Everywhere, users can perform extensive keyword research and digital marketing support. It integrates several functional modules that not only provide high-quality search volume data and keyword analysis, but also support PPC ad optimization, on-page analysis, e-commerce keyword optimization and competitor analysis. Users can gain insights from a variety of data sources, from trends to competitiveness, to help them optimize their marketing strategies, improve ad effectiveness, and enhance keyword utilization across different platforms.

Free version features include ChatGPT tip templates, Instagram hashtag generator and Pinterest insights. The paid version includes all the features of the free version, but also offers more advanced features: search volume data for more than 20 websites, traffic metrics, Moz link metrics, search engine optimization metrics, YouTube metrics, historical trend data, and more. There are also keyword import and bulk trend data features so that users can view accurate search volume and competition and utilize relevant keyword suggestions.

Keywords Everywhere's pricing model is based on a points-based credit system, unlike other keyword research tools that charge monthly subscription fees. This model allows users to use the service more flexibly, paying only when they actually use it. Depending on the plan chosen and frequency of use, the validity of the credits will vary. The Bronze plan costs only $15/year and includes 100,000 credits; users can save money by choosing plans at different prices depending on their needs.

Keywords Everywhere is suitable for a variety of people, whether they want to increase website traffic, optimize ad effectiveness, understand the competition or find keywords for a variety of purposes. Digital marketers, SEO experts, content creators and website owners can use it to conduct keyword research, optimize website content and develop marketing strategies.PPC advertising managers can use keyword data to optimize campaigns and improve ad click-through rates and performance. Competitor researchers who want to understand competitor strategies and keyword usage can use the tool to access competitor keyword information. Content creators, bloggers, and social media content creators can use keyword data to develop content strategies that appeal to a wider target audience. Market researchers can use keyword trends and data to understand market demand and user behavior. For beginners, the tool can help them learn and master the basics of keyword research.

Keywords Everywhere is a powerful, easy-to-use keyword tool that provides convenient and easy-to-understand keyword data and tools for a variety of digital marketing and SEO optimization needs. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, you'll gain valuable insights and assistance.

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