Digital Pie Precision Adwordsofficial website

A cross-border e-commerce digital intelligence operation system that integrates three major components: precise traffic control, intelligent advertising system, and operational decision analysis.

Digital Pie Precision Adwordspresent (sb for a job etc)

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Traffic Tools

Backcheck keywords and batch get search traffic term information for multiple competing ASINs

Backtest affiliate traffic, batch query multiple competitor ASINs for in-page affiliate product information

Keyword comparison, comparative analysis of natural search traffic terms of multiple competitors

Keyword Expansion, one-click mining all related similar long-tail keywords

ASIN SPY, deep insights into traffic dynamics distribution and conversions across multiple competing products

Word frequency tool to count the frequency of keywords and exclude grammatical words

Selection Tools

Review Analytics, Bulk Analytics ASIN Reviews, Intelligent Segmentation

QA analysis, batch analysis of ASIN's QA, a must for listing optimization

Big data selector, micro-selection, fast and accurate selection of potential markets

Hot search terms selection, screening and analyzing popular search terms, quickly discover new blue ocean

BSR1000+, Top 10000 bestseller list of products in all categories, updated daily

Sales estimation, view the monthly sales of competitors, accurately predict the market demand

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