CoGoLinks (Pay As You Go) CoGoLinks Internationalofficial website

CoGoLinks Global Collections is based on the essence of financial payment, plowing into the ecology of export sellers, and is committed to helping Chinese sellers safely, efficiently and conveniently deal with the settlement of payments on global e-commerce platforms.

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CoGoLinks is a comprehensive website that provides sellers with full-process services from opening an account to completing the collection of payments. This one-stop platform has payment licenses from major trading countries and regions around the world, and focuses on the development of an intelligent and flexible international account system to promote global trade with a first-class payment network.

CoGoLinks provides safe, stable and efficient payment and collection services for Chinese overseas enterprises and business individuals. CoGoLinks is committed to localized innovation of cross-border transaction experience, making payment simple; helping overseas enterprises and business individuals to rapidly realize the multiplier expansion of the market, and bringing their business to all corners of the world.

CoGoLinks' mission is to innovate the global payment experience: safe and simple. Its vision is to develop the global market, and CoGoLinks is always with you. Its core values are customer first, safety and compliance, professionalism and efficiency.

CoGoLinks has many advantages. It is fully qualified, with a variety of financial service licenses and related qualifications, providing a solid guarantee for the safety of users' funds. It has a stable system, with a dedicated server room network and HTTPS encrypted transmission channel to ensure the security of data transmission; and a professional operation and maintenance team dedicated to customer service. It also independently researched and developed the 'Sky Mirror' wind control system; and cooperated with internationally renowned anti-money laundering organizations; focusing on financial services for ten years.

CoGoLinks is also characterized by excellent exchange rate, high efficiency and good service. It is able to lock the exchange rate 24 hours a day to avoid the loss of exchange rate fluctuation; and it supports multi-platform and multi-store operation with convenient and low-cost, and high efficiency of fund processing. Dedicated account manager docking; free operational guidance to help you easily open a store.

Currently, CoGoLinks global payment collection platform fully supports the following platforms: Amazon, Shopify, fnac, eBay, Etsy, AliExpress, Wayfair and self-hosted sites. It features multi-currency support, money-saving transactions, account security and multi-store management. It supports the collection of payments in US dollars, Japanese yen, British pounds, euros, Canadian dollars, Australian dollars and other currencies, helping you to reduce exchange losses and meet the demand for diversified payment currencies; benchmarking the market exchange rate, saving every penny; domestic and foreign compliance licenses, bank-level security; SSL certificates, mds authentication of payment ports, dynamic keys, and other desensitized encryption of the data, the whole process of protecting privacy and security; multi-platform and multi-store management, simplifying the management of funds, low-cost, easy to operate. management, low cost, easy to operate.

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