ONERWAYofficial website

We provide you with, Global Acquiring, Platform Acquiring, MasterCard and other products. You are free to choose the product portfolio that suits your needs, develop payment solutions, and open up overseas markets.

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ONERWAY Wanwei is an innovative financial technology enterprise dedicated to providing comprehensive cross-border payment solutions for global merchants. Headquartered in Shanghai, it has also set up branches in London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Los Angeles. The company holds a number of major licenses or qualifications, including Hong Kong MSO license, UK EMI license, US MSB license and Singapore MAS license.

ONERWAY万维的主要产品有四个方面:全球收单、平台收款、发卡和金融服务。全球收单解决方案可以支持全球信用卡支付,包括Visa、MasterCard、American Express、Discover and JCBd等国际信用卡在线付款。还提供了面向全球市场的本地支付方式,方便海外客户使用本地低支付方式进行在线付款,比如Klarna, PPSEPA direct Debit, PPSkrill, PPSofort, IDEAL, Paysafecard, Paysera, Giropay,BLIK等等。国内用户还可以通过支付宝微信二维码进行在线支付收款。

ONERWAY Wanwei's ONEPAY platform helps Chinese cross-border merchants collect sales payments from overseas platforms. In the shortest possible time, the payment is cleared into RMB in the original currency and credited to the seller's bank account around the world. The platform supports Amazon North America, Europe, Japan; eBay; Wish and other overseas platforms.

Thirdly, ONERWAY MasterCard's card issuance service can be used to make payments to overseas suppliers and overseas purchasing counterparts. Users can batch open, batch recharge and cancel cards at online payment and offline POS swipe consumption cards of global Internet cooperative merchants that support MasterCard.

ONERWAY Wanwei also provides financial services to solve cross-border e-commerce sellers' cash flow problems. They provide cross-border e-commerce loan services that can help sellers solve their cash flow problems.

ONERWAY also launched a global small secretary service, which can build a platform for e-commerce enterprises, register overseas companies (supporting the United States, Europe, Japan, Singapore) and post-tax maintenance. This service can help e-commerce enterprises to better carry out cross-border business.

ONERWAY Wanwei is a company that specializes in providing comprehensive cross-border payment solutions for global merchants. Their products and services cover a wide range of areas such as global acquiring, platform collection, card issuance and financial services, aiming to help merchants conduct cross-border transactions and fund management more conveniently. Both overseas buyers and Chinese sellers can benefit from ONERWAY's services.

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