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World's largest retail department store

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Wal-Mart: the world's largest retail department store

With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more people choose to shop online. And among the many e-commerce platforms, Walmart is undoubtedly one of the largest retail department store companies in the world. In this article, we will introduce the history, business scope, advantages and future development of Walmart.

I. History of Wal-Mart

Walmart is an American multinational corporation founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. At the beginning, Walmart is just a small retail store, mainly selling goods including food, household goods and so on. With the passage of time, Wal-Mart gradually grew and became one of the largest retail department store companies in the world. As of today, Wal-Mart has more than 1,100 stores in 27 countries around the world and employs more than 1.5 million people.

II. Scope of Wal-Mart's business

Wal-Mart has a wide range of businesses covering a variety of goods and services. Wal-Mart mainly operates retail businesses such as supermarkets and convenience stores, offering various kinds of food, daily necessities, household goods and other goods. Wal-Mart also provides online shopping service, where customers can purchase goods through its website or mobile app and choose to have them delivered to their homes or pick them up at the store. In addition to physical stores, Wal-Mart also conducts e-commerce business through third-party platforms (e.g. Amazon).

III. Advantages of Wal-Mart

1. Huge supply chain system: Wal-Mart has a huge supply chain system that ensures an adequate supply of goods. This enables Wal-Mart to sell goods at lower prices, thus attracting more consumers.

2. A wide range of goods: Wal-Mart has a very wide range of goods, covering almost everything people need in their daily lives. This allows customers to buy all the goods they need in one place, saving time and energy.

3. Convenient shopping experience: Wal-Mart provides an integrated online and offline shopping experience, and customers can choose the appropriate shopping method according to their needs. Walmart also offers a membership system, members can enjoy more benefits and services.

IV. Future development of Wal-Mart

Despite the pressure from competitors such as Amazon, Walmart remains strong. To meet these challenges, Walmart is constantly innovating and reforming. In recent years Walmart has increased its investment in its online shopping business, hoping to expand its market share through online channels. Walmart is also actively exploring new business models, such as unmanned retail stores.

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