iRigelofficial website

We adhere to the user-centered, data-driven, providing tools and applications, casual games, entertainment content and other APP matrix.

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In today's digital era, the mobile Internet industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. In this field, Beijing Hongyi Zhiyuan Technology Co., Ltd (iRigel) is a company to watch out for. Founded in October 2020, the company consists of core members from the Department of Computer Science at Tsinghua University, all of whom have master's degrees from Tsinghua, the University of Chicago, and Johns Hopkins.

iRigel adheres to a user-centered and data-driven approach to provide a matrix of APPs such as tool applications, casual games, and entertainment content. This user demand-oriented development philosophy has made iRigel's products widely welcomed and recognized in the market.

Currently, iRigel has completed several rounds of financing and is in a high growth period. For those who are interested in traveling in the mobile internet industry, iRigel is undoubtedly an excellent platform for win-win growth. Here, you can be exposed to the most cutting-edge technology, grow together with a group of like-minded people, and realize your own value.

The official website of iRigel is On this website, you can learn the latest news of iRigel, including company news, product information, job openings and so on. You can also download to iRigel's various apps to experience their products.

iRigel is a dynamic and innovative company who has demonstrated a strong and promising future in the mobile internet industry. Whether you are looking for career development or interested in the mobile internet industry, it is worth your time to follow and learn more about iRigel.

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