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Cloud Stare Technology is a store visualization management and video big data service provider

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Cloud Stare Technology, as the core brand of Huina Technology, is a global leading provider of store visualization management and commercial big data services. They focus on the core technology of AI and video big data processing, and provide retail chain enterprises with new technologies and services such as intelligent remote store patrol, customer flow statistics analysis, hotspot space analysis, commercial data analysis, intelligent remote collaboration, security cloud protection, security cloud operation and maintenance, etc., which empowers retail entities to transform intelligently.

Over the past few years, Cloud Stare Technology's deep cultivation in the retail industry has made its smart store system has been widely used in shoes and clothing, catering, automobile, superstore, convenience store, mother and baby, medicine, jewelry, household, fresh food retail enterprises of various industries, with customers in more than 400 cities and regions across the country. They have been working for Nike, Muji, GUCCI, China Mobile, Apple, Watson's, Belle International, Columbia, Hundred Fruit Garden, Qinyuan, Qianji Industry, Saturday Shoes, Sketchers, Jiangnan Bunyi, Loyou Pregnancy and Infant, Gutian Taoxiang, Aokang International, Lanzi, Hassan Group, Evelyn, Ashton, Lily, Fast Fish Clothing, O'clock Clothing, Winner Clothing, Aiqi, Cars Home, FAW Motor Company, and so on. The platform provides store visualization management and business big data analysis services for more than 1000+ famous retail brands, such as Cars, FAW-Volkswagen, Jinlang Sports, Lorelei Home Textiles, Urban Beauty, SAIC Group, Chang'an Automobile, Geely Automobile, Xiuwai Beauty, Dairi Jewelry, Jingdian Automobile, Gujia Home Furnishing, etc. The platform has cumulatively provided services to more than 500,000 retail stores, and ranks the first in the market in terms of the number of retail chain brands and stores in the shoes and clothing and automobile industries. The number of retail chain brands and stores served in the footwear and automotive industries rank first in the market.

By virtue of continuous technological innovation and the extensive implementation of digital operation solutions for retail chain enterprises, Cloud Stare has been awarded the honorary titles of "National Science and Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", "Chengdu Enterprise Technology Center", "National High-tech Enterprise", "High-tech Zone Gazelle Enterprise", and so on. Enterprise", "Gazelle Enterprise of High-tech Zone" and other honorary titles, and for several consecutive years, it has won the Outstanding Solution Award of Informatization in China's Fashion Industry, the Most Popular Artificial Intelligence Service Provider, the Most Popular Smart Store Solution, the Most Innovative Enterprise Award of the Informatization Committee of the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, and the Ali's New Retail Nail MAX Award. Retail Nail MAX Award.

Looking ahead, Cloud Stare will continue to be committed to the landing of big data and artificial intelligence in the field of commercial retail, accelerate the dataization of the physical retail scene and the in-depth analysis and application of data value, promote the scientific and technological innovation of offline smart shopping, and empower the smart transformation of commercial entities.

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