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BQool is a third-party service provider for Amazon's global storefront.

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BQool Bikool, a website that provides solutions for sellers with global Amazon stores, has become a pioneer in the field of cross-border e-commerce operations. Since entering the Chinese market in 2014, BQool Bikool has earned the trust and support of over 10,000 Chinese users. This number is still growing as it has users from 39 countries around the world who are using BQool Bikool's software as an aid to efficient operations.

The main feature of BQool Bikool is the Smart Price Adjustment Software which helps sellers to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. This software is so powerful that it can automatically adjust the price of goods according to the market changes and competitors' strategies to attract more buyers. In this way, sellers can save a lot of time and energy and focus on improving the quality of their goods and services.

BQool Bikool also has a seller feedback software, which has accumulated more than 1 million sellers invited to give positive feedback. This software helps sellers to understand buyers' needs and satisfaction so that they can improve their goods and services. This is very important to improve sellers' reputation and sales.

BQool Bikool's product review software is also a very useful tool. It can help sellers collect 6.1 million product reviews, which can help sellers understand the advantages and disadvantages of their products, as well as the real feelings of buyers. In this way, sellers can use this information to continuously improve their merchandise and increase buyer satisfaction.

BQool Bikool is a website that offers a full range of solutions for sellers with a global Amazon store. Its smart price adjustment software, seller feedback software and product review software all help sellers increase sales and buyer satisfaction. So whether you are a newbie or a veteran, you can get help from BQool Bikool.

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