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Mengla Technology focuses on the development of cross-border e-commerce market and services in Southeast Asia.

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Zhi Shrimp, a product selection tool website created by Mengla Technology, is dedicated to helping merchants in Southeast Asia's cross-border e-commerce market to better develop the market and improve performance. This website is Shopee's professional and authoritative data analysis tool, with comprehensive functions, including product analysis, store analysis, hot search term analysis, one-click pricing, etc., which can be said to be the merchants' right-hand man.

Know Shrimp is an operation software that supports the display of product data on Shopee Shrimp's front-end product page. This means that merchants can quickly learn how their store's merchandise is displayed on the frontend through Zhi Shrimp, so they can make adjustments accordingly. This is undoubtedly very helpful for merchants who wish to improve their store image and attract more customers.

KnowShrimp specializes in product analytics for the Shopee platform. It helps merchants quickly understand the big data of Southeast Asian markets such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Taiwan, China. These data include product sales and historical trends, more than 30 dimensions of detailed product data. With this data, merchants can more accurately grasp the market dynamics, find potential products and create explosive traffic stores.

KnowShrimp also offers a one-click pricing feature. This feature helps merchants to quickly set the selling price of their goods based on the market conditions. This is very useful for merchants who want to boost their sales and increase their profits.

Know Shrimp is a true data-based product selection tool. It can help merchants quickly understand the market, find potential products and increase sales. Whether you are a novice seller or a seasoned veteran, you can get help from Zhi Shrimp to realize performance growth. So, if you are a Shopee seller, then Know Shrimp is definitely a tool you can't afford to miss.

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