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Rookie Tutorials ( is an enhanced version of Basic Programming Techniques, an essential reference tutorial and manual for software development engineers.

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Rookie Tutorials is an online learning platform specially designed for programming beginners, which provides a wealth of tutorials on the basics of programming technology, and is an essential reference tutorial and manual for software development engineers. On this platform, you can find online examples of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, SpringBoot, SpringCloud, XML, C++, Linux, Docker, and many other programming languages, so that you can learn the programming to better understand and master the features and applications of various programming languages.

In Rookie Tutorials, a very useful part is the HTML Basics tutorial.HTML is a standard markup language used to create web pages.By learning HTML, you can master how to create and design the basic structure and elements of a web page. The Rookie Tutorial also provides a back-end foundation tutorial that includes the learning of programming languages such as NodeJS, SQL, Python, PHP, etc., which have a wide range of applications in back-end development.

Rookie Tutorials also provides tutorials on CSS and JavaScript, a style sheet language used to describe the appearance and formatting of web pages, and JavaScript, a scripting language used to implement interactive features on web pages. By learning these two languages, you can master how to design and implement dynamic web effects.

For developers who like to use Java for development, Rookie Tutorials also provides a basic tutorial on Java.Java is a widely used object-oriented programming language, and its cross-platform features make it widely used in enterprise-level application development.

For developers who prefer to develop with the Spring Framework, Rookie Tutorials also provides tutorials for SpringBoot and SpringCloud.SpringBoot is a framework that simplifies Spring application development, while SpringCloud is a set of microservice solutions.

Rookie Tutorials is a great learning platform for programming beginners, whether you want to learn front-end technologies, back-end technologies, or other programming languages, you can find tutorials and examples for you here.

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