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Affiliate Interactive is more than just a new network, our team is available 24/7 to provide you with premium support.

We currently have over 350 conversion offers.

We are certain that you will recommend us more than any other network. Join today and see the benefits for you.

Affiliate network details

Number of offers2071
Type of commissionCPA, CPL
Minimum payment$50
Frequency of paymentsNet 15, Net 30
payment methodCheck, Wire Transfer, Paypal, PayPal
Referral commission5%
tracking softwareAfftrack
Tracking LinksN/A
Alliance Manager

  • Sarosh Ahmad
  • Carla Kunzler
  • Jim Herman
  • Ryan Felix

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    Md Shihab Hosen Readers

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  • Mobinul Islam
    Mobinul Islam Readers

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  • darrel
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  • f. Johns
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  • James.
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  • Amanda.
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  • Sameer Kumar
    Sameer Kumar Readers

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    The account manager is very supportive.
    Thanks to Affiliate Interactive.

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  • Jerry K.
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  • Atul Kushwaha
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  • Lead_Maker
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  • amanda
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  • XEdison
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