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EvoLeads is a Mont...

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EvoLeads is a Montreal-based online marketing technology company specializing in cutting-edge products and services for the affiliate marketing space.

Our key products include cost-per-action (CA) billing affiliate networks and performance marketing tracking solutions.

We constantly strive to provide our customers with the most innovative products on the market. Our team of experienced affiliate managers are dedicated to helping our publishers maximize their revenue, and we make sure we pay our publishers on time!

Currently, we offer more than 500 offers across various verticals, with new high allowance offers being added every day!

EvoLeads, a subsidiary of Evolus, has been an online advertising company since 2005. Leveraging the experience and resources of our parent company, EvoLeads is growing rapidly by providing reliable and high-quality services to our clients.

Company Information:

EvoMarketlace, Inc.

3680 du Musée Montréal QC

H3G 2C9 Canada

Affiliate Network Details

Number of offers500+
Type of commissionCPA
minimum payment$100
Frequency of paymentsWeekly, 15 days net settlement
payment methodCheck, paypal, wire transfer
Referral commission1%
tracking softwareInternal proprietary platforms
Tracking LinkN/A
Alliance ManagerScott

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  • Vivian Collins
    Vivian Collins Readers

    We had a pretty good experience with them when we started.
    But the following has happened in the last three months:

    On November 3, they confirmed our September income and said they had sent an invoice for payment.
    We did not receive the payment and contacted them several times via email and phone and finally on December 6, they told us that September's revenue would not be paid because it was rejected by the advertiser (without providing any evidence of bad leads). They confirmed that October's revenue would be paid.
    October's income was likewise not received. Once again after many calls and emails, they told us in January that they were not going to pay October's income either (once again, no evidence of any bad leads were provided).

    No record
  • Nahid7
    Nahid7 Readers

    EvoLeads and EvoMarketplace are fantastic with great affiliate support, fast payouts, great Offers campaigns, and many more benefits!

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  • Dmitry
    Dmitry Readers

    The Advertiser's Union is great! Our manager Kate is always helpful and gives us the best Offers :-)

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  • Thi Phuong
    Thi Phuong Readers

    AdWords is great, great support.

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  • daniell757
    daniell757 Readers

    Working with this advertising affiliate has only positive experiences, select Offers and professional support. Highly recommended! : D

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  • John.
    John. Readers

    I have been using EvoLeads with no problems until recently. Never had a payment default in over 3 years, but now they are weeks late and have stopped responding to my Skype messages for updates. Something is wrong with this ad affiliate ...... Be careful!

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  • Tran Tuyen My
    Tran Tuyen My Readers

    I made $308 from EVOLEADS. Fast and clean. evolead is the best ad affiliate. It's a pleasure to work with Evolead. <3

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  • Tuda
    Tuda Readers

    This is a great ad affiliate with the best AM (Jennifer Atieh). She always helps me and never delays any messages.

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  • Rob Smith
    Rob Smith Readers

    This is one of the best ad affiliates ever, but those days are gone. They used to always take care of things properly whenever there was a problem. They were responsive and consistently followed through. In the last few weeks they have stopped paying weekly (after 2+ years) and suggested I increase traffic to move to NET15. after doing so, they then said I needed to show consistency and then suspended my popular Offers without any context. i hope they find their way to success again. Until recently, it really was the best ad affiliate.

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  • Dejan
    Dejan Readers

    Evoleads is a good advertising affiliate and they will pay. I just received money from them as shown below.

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  • john
    john Readers

    It's a great advertising affiliate, I've been using it for two years now and it's a friendly one.

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  • Umee
    Umee Readers

    I recommend EvoLeads to everyone. my account manager is always friendly and answers all my questions. Whether you've been in the business for a long time or just starting out, EvoLeads is definitely a great place to do business.

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  • Affiman
    Affiman Readers

    They used to pay regularly with no problems, but recently disappeared. They are not responding or paying at all. They have also suspended most Offers campaigns in the ad affiliate. Stay away from this ad affiliate.

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  • Carla.
    Carla. Readers

    They started using chicken instead of eggs.
    They started scamming to feed their new ad federation

    We have an outstanding balance of $29k in April and May 2019 with them.
    At the time of payment, my AM contacted me stating that the traffic was fraudulent. I provided proof of all legitimate traffic and asked for a vetted report in a couple weeks if the traffic was fraudulent. After that, she added me to a group with their ad affiliate manager who told me they were negotiating with advertisers to get paid for our traffic. But after 4 months they disabled my account without any report or payment. I am asking for my money everyday but they stopped replying to my emails/Skype. even they blocked me on Skype. It looks like these guys have started a new advertising affiliate trying to steal money from their publishers to feed another company they just started. To this day I still can't log into my account and have not been paid what I am due. I will update you guys if they pay out.

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  • Sayaka Kuroda
    Sayaka Kuroda Readers

    Okay, thanks very much, Jennifer.

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