CPA Vertexofficial website

Cavertex is a company that is known for increasing advertiser...

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Cavertex is a high-performance global affiliate marketing company focused on increasing revenue for advertisers and publishers.

We have been successfully running various L, T, PPS, Revshare (Dating, PPSmartLink, Gaming, Gamble, Nutrition, PPSweestake, Crypto/Financial, Installation/Download) campaigns since 2018 and we are expanding our reach every day. Our technology exceeds industry standards.

Affiliate network details

Number of offers50
Type of commissionCPA, PPL, PPT, PPS, Smartlink
Minimum Payment Amount$100
Frequency of paymentsBi-weekly payments (twice a month)
payment methodWire Transfer, WebMoney, Bkash, Rocket
Referral commission3%
tracking softwareOfferit
Tracking LinksN/A
Alliance ManagerSuort

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  • HafijEran
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  • Aoulade Rasel
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  • Naymon Hossan Durjoy
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  • Shohag
    Shohag Readers

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    Special thanks to AM... Support is the best.

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  • shahadat
    shahadat Readers

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    MD. SWOPON Readers

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  • Hasan Mahmud
    Hasan Mahmud Readers

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  • Mehedi Hasan Shaon
    Mehedi Hasan Shaon Readers

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  • Mojnu Sheikh
    Mojnu Sheikh Readers

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  • Mehedi Hasan Kabir
    Mehedi Hasan Kabir Readers

    It is one of the most popular CPA advertising affiliates in the UK. Its most attractive feature is their payment system that enables timely payments.

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  • ashrafuzzaman orpon
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  • Tawhid Islam
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