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Daily Payments & $1 ear...

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Daily Payments & $1 earning minimum. If you earn $1+ with our CPA network today, you will be paid tomorrow. 14 years of building direct relationships with advertisers allow us to provide the best payment schedule to all publishers. If advertisers want our traffic, they have to agree to pay us daily on all CPA and CPI offers along with a very competitive payout. We pass these benefits onto our publishers which is why we continue to grow year after year. No one can match us.

If you are a content locking affiliate, we will open up your account to our CPC offers that pay you per click. These offers also come direct from source advertisers who aggressively want your content locking traffic.

Offerwalls, CPA/CPI offer APPI, and other advertising tools are available as well.

Sign up with CPAlead today and get paid tomorrow.

Affiliate Network Details

Number of Offers359
Commission TypeCPA, CPC, Content Locking, CPI
Minimum Payment$1
Payment FrequencyDaily, Weekly, Net-15, Net-30, Early Payment (upon request)
Payment MethodPayPal, Payoneer, Check, ACH, Wire
Referral Commission10%
Tracking SoftwareIn-house proprietary platform
Tracking Link
Affiliate Managers
  • Support Team
  • Payment Support

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